from array import array from dis import * from types import CodeType from peak.util.symbols import Symbol from peak.util.decorators import decorate_assignment, decorate import sys __all__ = [ 'Code', 'Const', 'Return', 'Global', 'Local', 'Call', 'const_value', 'NotAConstant', 'Label', 'fold_args', 'nodetype', 'Node', 'Pass', 'Compare', 'And', 'Or', 'Getattr', 'TryExcept', 'TryFinally', 'Suite', 'LocalAssign', 'UnpackSequence', 'For', 'If', 'YieldStmt', 'Function', 'ListComp', 'LCAppend', ] opcode = {} for op in range(256): name=opname[op] if name.startswith('<'): continue if name.endswith('+0'): opcode[name[:-2]]=op opcode[name]=op globals().update(opcode) # opcodes are now importable at will # Flags from code.h CO_OPTIMIZED = 0x0001 # use LOAD/STORE_FAST instead of _NAME CO_NEWLOCALS = 0x0002 # only cleared for module/exec code CO_VARARGS = 0x0004 CO_VARKEYWORDS = 0x0008 CO_NESTED = 0x0010 # ??? CO_GENERATOR = 0x0020 CO_NOFREE = 0x0040 # set if no free or cell vars CO_GENERATOR_ALLOWED = 0x1000 # unused CO_FUTURE_DIVISION = 0x2000 CO_FUTURE_ABSOLUTE_IMPORT = 0x4000 # Python 2.5+ only CO_FUTURE_WITH_STATEMENT = 0x8000 # Python 2.5+ only __all__.extend([k for k in globals().keys() if k.startswith('CO_')]) to_code = lambda x: x.tostring() try: from new import code as NEW_CODE, function except ImportError: from types import FunctionType as function NEW_CODE = lambda ac, *args: CodeType(ac, 0, *args) long = ord = int unicode = basestring = str def to_code(x): global to_code if not hasattr(x, 'tobytes'): to_code = lambda x: x.tostring() else: to_code = lambda x: x.tostring() return to_code(x) CODE, GLOBALS, DEFAULTS, CLOSURE, FUNC = ( '__code__', '__globals__', '__defaults__', '__closure__', '__func__' ) else: CODE, GLOBALS, DEFAULTS, CLOSURE, FUNC = ( 'func_code', 'func_globals', 'func_defaults', 'func_closure', 'im_func' ) ord = ord class Const(object): """Wrapper to ensure constants are hashable even if mutable""" __slots__ = 'value', 'hash', 'hashable' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value try: self.hash = hash(value) except TypeError: self.hash = hash(id(value)) self.hashable = False else: self.hashable = True def __repr__(self): return "Const(%s)" % repr(self.value) def __hash__(self): return self.hash def __eq__(self, other): if type(other) is not Const: return False if self.hashable: return self.value == other.value else: return self.value is other.value def __ne__(self, other): return not self==other def __call__(self, code): code.LOAD_CONST(self.value) class Node(tuple): """Base class for AST nodes""" __slots__ = [] __hash__ = tuple.__hash__ def nodetype(*mixins, **kw): def callback(frame, name, func, old_locals): def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): result = func(*args, **kw) if type(result) is tuple: return tuple.__new__(cls, (cls,)+result) else: return result def __repr__(self): r = self.__class__.__name__ + tuple.__repr__(self[1:]) if len(self)==2: return r[:-2]+')' # nix trailing ',' return r def __call__(self, code): return func(*(self[1:]+(code,))) import inspect args = inspect.getargspec(func)[0] d = dict( __new__ = __new__, __repr__ = __repr__, __doc__=func.__doc__, __module__ = func.__module__, __args__ = args, __slots__ = [], __call__ = __call__ ) for p,a in enumerate(args[:-1]): # skip 'code' argument if isinstance(a,str): d[a] = property(lambda self, p=p+1: self[p]) d.update(kw) return type(name, mixins+(Node,), d) return decorate_assignment(callback) nodetype() def Global(name, code=None): if code is None: return name, code.LOAD_GLOBAL(name) nodetype() def Local(name, code=None): if code is None: return name, if name in code.co_cellvars or name in code.co_freevars: return code.LOAD_DEREF(name) elif code.co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED: return code.LOAD_FAST(name) else: return code.LOAD_NAME(name) nodetype() def Return(value=None, code=None): if code is None: return value, return code(value, Code.RETURN_VALUE) class _Pass(Symbol): def __call__(self, code=None): pass def __nonzero__(self): return False Pass = _Pass('Pass', __name__) nodetype() def Getattr(ob, name, code=None): try: name = const_value(name) except NotAConstant: return Call(Const(getattr), [ob, name]) if code is None: return fold_args(Getattr, ob, name) code(ob) code.LOAD_ATTR(name) nodetype() def Call(func, args=(),kwargs=(), star=None,dstar=None, fold=True, code=None): if code is None: data = ( func, tuple(args), tuple(kwargs), star or (), dstar or (), fold ) if fold and (args or kwargs or star or dstar): return fold_args(Call, *data) else: return data code(func, *args) for k,v in kwargs: code(k,v) argc = len(args) kwargc = len(kwargs) if star: if dstar: code(star, dstar) return code.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(argc, kwargc) else: code(star) return code.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(argc, kwargc) else: if dstar: code(dstar) return code.CALL_FUNCTION_KW(argc, kwargc) else: return code.CALL_FUNCTION(argc, kwargc) nodetype() def TryExcept(body, handlers, else_=Pass, code=None): if code is None: return body, tuple(handlers), else_ okay = Label() done = Label() code(okay.SETUP_EXCEPT, body, okay.POP_BLOCK) if 'POP_EXCEPT' in opcode: code.stack_size += 3 for typ, handler in handlers: next_test = Label() Compare(Code.DUP_TOP, [('exception match', typ)], code) code( next_test.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP, # remove condition Code.POP_TOP, Code.POP_TOP, Code.POP_TOP, # remove exc info ) if 'POP_EXCEPT' in opcode: code(Code.POP_EXCEPT) code(handler) if code.stack_size is not None: code(done.JUMP_FORWARD) code(next_test, Code.POP_TOP) # remove condition code(Code.END_FINALLY) code.stack_unknown() # force stack level to come from end of body code(okay, else_, done) nodetype() def Suite(body, code=None): if code is None: if body: return tuple(body), return Pass code(*body) nodetype() def TryFinally(body, handler, code=None): if code is None: return body, handler code( Code.SETUP_FINALLY, body, Code.POP_BLOCK, handler, Code.END_FINALLY ) nodetype() def LocalAssign(name, code=None): if code is None: return name, if name in code.co_cellvars or name in code.co_freevars: return code.STORE_DEREF(name) elif code.co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED: return code.STORE_FAST(name) else: return code.STORE_NAME(name) nodetype() def UnpackSequence(nodes, code=None): if code is None: return tuple(nodes), code.UNPACK_SEQUENCE(len(nodes)) return code(*nodes) nodetype() def For(iterable, assign, body=Pass, code=None): if code is None: return iterable, assign, body L1, L2 = Label(), Label() return code( iterable, Code.GET_ITER, L1, L2.FOR_ITER, assign, body, L1.JUMP_ABSOLUTE, L2 ) nodetype() def YieldStmt(value=None, code=None): if code is None: return value, r = code(value, Code.YIELD_VALUE) if stack_effects[YIELD_VALUE][1]: code.POP_TOP() return r nodetype() def ListComp(body, code=None): if code is None: return body, code._tmp_level += 1 try: temp = '_[%r]' % code._tmp_level code.BUILD_LIST(0) code.DUP_TOP() if sys.version<"2.4": code.LOAD_ATTR('append') code.STORE_FAST(temp) r = code(body) code.DELETE_FAST(temp) finally: code._tmp_level -= 1 return r nodetype() def LCAppend(value, code=None): if code is None: return value, code.LOAD_FAST('_[%r]' % code._tmp_level) r = code(value) if sys.version<"2.4": code.CALL_FUNCTION(1) code.POP_TOP() elif sys.version>="2.7": # ick code.LIST_APPEND(1) code.POP_TOP() else: code.LIST_APPEND() return r nodetype() def If(cond, then, else_=Pass, code=None): if code is None: return cond, then, else_ else_clause = Label() end_if = Label() code(cond, else_clause.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP, then) if code.stack_size is not None: end_if.JUMP_FORWARD(code) code(else_clause, Code.POP_TOP, else_, end_if) nodetype() def Function(body, name='', args=(), var=None, kw=None, defaults=(), code=None): if code is None: return body, name, ntuple(args), var, kw, tuple(defaults) c = code.nested(name, args, var, kw) c(body) if c.stack_size is not None: code.return_() c = c.code(code) if defaults: code(*defaults) if c.co_freevars: frees = c.co_freevars for name in frees: code.LOAD_CLOSURE(name) if sys.version>='2.5': code.BUILD_TUPLE(len(frees)) code.LOAD_CONST(c) return code.MAKE_CLOSURE(len(defaults), len(frees)) else: code.LOAD_CONST(c) return code.MAKE_FUNCTION(len(defaults)) def ntuple(seq): if isinstance(seq, basestring): return seq return tuple(map(ntuple, seq)) nodetype() def Compare(expr, ops, code=None): if code is None: return fold_args(Compare, expr, tuple(ops)) if len(ops)==1: op, arg = ops[0] code(expr, arg) return code.COMPARE_OP(op) fail = Label() finish = Label() code(expr) for op, arg in ops[:-1]: code(arg) code.DUP_TOP() code.ROT_THREE() code.COMPARE_OP(op) fail.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP(code) op, arg = ops[-1] code(arg) code.COMPARE_OP(op) finish.JUMP_FORWARD(code) fail(code) code.ROT_TWO() code.POP_TOP() return finish(code) fast_to_deref = { LOAD_FAST: LOAD_DEREF, STORE_FAST: STORE_DEREF, } deref_to_deref = dict([(k,k) for k in hasfree]) nodetype() def And(values, code=None): if code is None: return fold_args(And, tuple(values)) end = Label() for value in values[:-1]: try: if const_value(value): continue # true constants can be skipped except NotAConstant: # but non-constants require code code(value, end.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP) else: # and false constants end the chain right away return code(value, end) code(values[-1], end) nodetype() def Or(values, code=None): if code is None: return fold_args(Or, tuple(values)) end = Label() for value in values[:-1]: try: if not const_value(value): continue # false constants can be skipped except NotAConstant: # but non-constants require code code(value, end.JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP) else: # and true constants end the chain right away return code(value, end) code(values[-1], end) def with_name(f, name): try: f.__name__=name return f except (TypeError,AttributeError): return function( getattr(f,CODE), getattr(f,GLOBALS), name, getattr(f,DEFAULTS), getattr(f,CLOSURE) ) EXTRA_JUMPS = 'JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP JUMP_IF_FALSE JUMP_IF_TRUE'.split() class Label(object): """A forward-referenceable location in a ``Code`` object""" __slots__ = 'backpatches', 'resolution' def __init__(self): self.backpatches = [] self.resolution = None def SETUP_EXCEPT(self, code): code.SETUP_EXCEPT(); self.backpatches.append(code.blocks[-1][-1]) def SETUP_FINALLY(self, code): code.SETUP_FINALLY(); self.backpatches.append(code.blocks[-1][-1]) def SETUP_LOOP(self, code): code.SETUP_LOOP(); self.backpatches.append(code.blocks[-1][-1]) def POP_BLOCK(self, code): self.backpatches[0] = code.POP_BLOCK() for name in [opname[op] for op in hasjrel+hasjabs]+EXTRA_JUMPS: if name not in locals(): def do_jump(self, code, name=name): method = getattr(code, name) if self.resolution is None: return self.backpatches.append(method()) else: return method(self.resolution) locals()[name] = with_name(do_jump, name) del do_jump def __call__(self, code): if self.resolution is not None: raise AssertionError("Label previously defined") self.resolution = resolution = len(code.co_code) for p in self.backpatches: if p: p() class Code(object): co_argcount = 0 co_stacksize = 0 co_flags = CO_OPTIMIZED | CO_NEWLOCALS # typical usage co_filename = '' co_name = '' co_firstlineno = 0 co_freevars = () co_cellvars = () _last_lineofs = 0 _ss = 0 _tmp_level = 0 def __init__(self): self.co_code = array('B') self.co_consts = [None] self.co_names = [] self.co_varnames = [] self.co_lnotab = array('B') self.emit = self.co_code.append self.blocks = [] self.stack_history = [] def emit_arg(self, op, arg): emit = self.emit if arg>0xFFFF: emit(EXTENDED_ARG) emit((arg>>16)&255) emit((arg>>24)&255) emit(op) emit(arg&255) emit((arg>>8)&255) def locals_written(self): vn = self.co_varnames hl = dict.fromkeys([STORE_FAST, DELETE_FAST]) return dict.fromkeys([vn[arg] for ofs, op, arg in self if op in hl]) def set_lineno(self, lno): if not self.co_firstlineno: self.co_firstlineno = self._last_line = lno return append = self.co_lnotab.append incr_line = lno - self._last_line incr_addr = len(self.co_code) - self._last_lineofs if not incr_line: return assert incr_addr>=0 and incr_line>=0 while incr_addr>255: append(255) append(0) incr_addr -= 255 while incr_line>255: append(incr_addr) append(255) incr_line -= 255 incr_addr = 0 if incr_addr or incr_line: append(incr_addr) append(incr_line) self._last_line = lno self._last_lineofs = len(self.co_code) def YIELD_VALUE(self): self.stackchange(stack_effects[YIELD_VALUE]) self.co_flags |= CO_GENERATOR return self.emit(YIELD_VALUE) def LOAD_CONST(self, const): self.stackchange((0,1)) pos = 0 hashable = True try: hash(const) except TypeError: hashable = False while 1: try: arg = self.co_consts.index(const, pos) it = self.co_consts[arg] except ValueError: arg = len(self.co_consts) self.co_consts.append(const) break else: if type(it) is type(const) and (hashable or it is const): break pos = arg+1 continue return self.emit_arg(LOAD_CONST, arg) def CALL_FUNCTION(self, argc=0, kwargc=0, op=CALL_FUNCTION, extra=0): self.stackchange((1+argc+2*kwargc+extra,1)) emit = self.emit emit(op); emit(argc); emit(kwargc) def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(self, argc=0, kwargc=0): self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc,kwargc,CALL_FUNCTION_VAR, 1) # 1 for *args def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, argc=0, kwargc=0): self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc,kwargc,CALL_FUNCTION_KW, 1) # 1 for **kw def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(self, argc=0, kwargc=0): self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc,kwargc,CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW, 2) # 2 *args,**kw def BUILD_TUPLE(self, count): self.stackchange((count,1)) self.emit_arg(BUILD_TUPLE,count) def BUILD_LIST(self, count): self.stackchange((count,1)) self.emit_arg(BUILD_LIST,count) def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, count): self.stackchange((1,count)) self.emit_arg(UNPACK_SEQUENCE,count) def RETURN_VALUE(self): self.stackchange((1,0)) self.emit(RETURN_VALUE) self.stack_unknown() def BUILD_SLICE(self, count): assert count in (2,3), "Invalid number of arguments for BUILD_SLICE" self.stackchange((count,1)) self.emit_arg(BUILD_SLICE,count) def DUP_TOPX(self, count): self.stackchange((count,count*2)) self.emit_arg(DUP_TOPX,count) def RAISE_VARARGS(self, argc): assert 0<=argc<=3, "Invalid number of arguments for RAISE_VARARGS" self.stackchange((argc,0)) self.emit_arg(RAISE_VARARGS,argc) def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, ndefaults): self.stackchange((1+ndefaults,1)) self.emit_arg(MAKE_FUNCTION, ndefaults) def MAKE_CLOSURE(self, ndefaults, freevars): if sys.version>='2.5': freevars = 1 self.stackchange((1+freevars+ndefaults,1)) self.emit_arg(MAKE_CLOSURE, ndefaults) def here(self): return len(self.co_code) if 'UNARY_CONVERT' not in opcode: def UNARY_CONVERT(self): self(Const(repr)) self.ROT_TWO() self.CALL_FUNCTION(1, 0) if 'BINARY_DIVIDE' not in opcode: def BINARY_DIVIDE(self): self.BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE() if 'DUP_TOPX' not in opcode: def DUP_TOPX(self, count): self.stackchange((count,count*2)) if count==2: self.emit(DUP_TOP_TWO) else: raise RuntimeError("Python 3 only supports DUP_TOP_TWO") if 'SLICE_0' not in opcode: def SLICE_0(self): self(None, None, Code.SLICE_3) def SLICE_1(self): self(None, Code.SLICE_3) def SLICE_2(self): self(None, Code.ROT_TWO, Code.SLICE_3) def SLICE_3(self): self.BUILD_SLICE(2) self.BINARY_SUBSCR() def set_stack_size(self, size): if size<0: raise AssertionError("Stack underflow") if size>self.co_stacksize: self.co_stacksize = size bytes = len(self.co_code) - len(self.stack_history) + 1 if bytes>0: self.stack_history.extend([self._ss]*bytes) self._ss = size def get_stack_size(self): return self._ss stack_size = property(get_stack_size, set_stack_size) def stackchange(self, inout): (inputs,outputs) = inout if self._ss is None: raise AssertionError("Unknown stack size at this location") self.stack_size -= inputs # check underflow self.stack_size += outputs # update maximum height def stack_unknown(self): self._ss = None def branch_stack(self, location, expected): if location >= len(self.stack_history): if location > len(self.co_code): raise AssertionError("Forward-looking stack prediction!", location, len(self.co_code) ) actual = self.stack_size if actual is None: self.stack_size = actual = expected self.stack_history[location] = actual else: actual = self.stack_history[location] if actual is None: self.stack_history[location] = actual = expected if actual != expected: raise AssertionError( "Stack level mismatch: actual=%s expected=%s" % (actual, expected) ) def jump(self, op, arg=None): def jump_target(offset): target = offset if op not in hasjabs: target = target - (posn+3) if target<0: raise AssertionError("Relative jumps can't go backwards") if target>0xFFFF: target = offset - (posn+6) return target def backpatch(offset): target = jump_target(offset) if target>0xFFFF: raise AssertionError("Forward jump span must be <64K bytes") self.patch_arg(posn, 0, target) self.branch_stack(offset, old_level) if op==FOR_ITER: old_level = self.stack_size = self.stack_size - 1 self.stack_size += 2 else: old_level = self.stack_size self.stack_size -= (op in (JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP, JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP)) posn = if arg is not None: self.emit_arg(op, jump_target(arg)) self.branch_stack(arg, old_level) lbl = None else: self.emit_arg(op, 0) def lbl(code=None): backpatch( if op in (JUMP_FORWARD, JUMP_ABSOLUTE, CONTINUE_LOOP): self.stack_unknown() return lbl def COMPARE_OP(self, op): self.stackchange((2,1)) self.emit_arg(COMPARE_OP, compares[op]) def setup_block(self, op): jmp = self.jump(op) self.blocks.append((op,self.stack_size,jmp)) return jmp def SETUP_EXCEPT(self): ss = self.stack_size self.stack_size = ss+3 # simulate the level at "except:" time self.setup_block(SETUP_EXCEPT) self.stack_size = ss # restore the current level def SETUP_FINALLY(self): ss = self.stack_size self.stack_size = ss+3 # allow for exceptions self.stack_size = ss+1 # simulate the level after the None is pushed self.setup_block(SETUP_FINALLY) self.stack_size = ss # restore original level def SETUP_LOOP(self): self.setup_block(SETUP_LOOP) def POP_BLOCK(self): if not self.blocks: raise AssertionError("Not currently in a block") why, level, fwd = self.blocks.pop() self.emit(POP_BLOCK) if why!=SETUP_LOOP: if why==SETUP_FINALLY: self.LOAD_CONST(None) fwd() else: self.stack_size = level-3 # stack level resets here else_ = self.JUMP_FORWARD() fwd() return else_ else: return fwd if 'JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP' not in opcode: def JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP(self, address=None): lbl = self.JUMP_IF_TRUE(address) self.POP_TOP() return lbl globals()['JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP'] = -1 if 'JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP' not in opcode: def JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP(self, address=None): lbl = self.JUMP_IF_FALSE(address) self.POP_TOP() return lbl globals()['JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP'] = -1 if 'JUMP_IF_TRUE' not in opcode: def JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, address=None): self.DUP_TOP() return self.POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE(address) else: globals()['POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE'] = -1 if 'JUMP_IF_FALSE' not in opcode: def JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, address=None): self.DUP_TOP() return self.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE(address) else: globals()['POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE'] = -1 if 'LIST_APPEND' in opcode and LIST_APPEND>=HAVE_ARGUMENT: def LIST_APPEND(self, depth): self.stackchange((depth+1, depth)) self.emit_arg(LIST_APPEND, depth) def assert_loop(self): for why,level,fwd in self.blocks: if why==SETUP_LOOP: return raise AssertionError("Not inside a loop") def BREAK_LOOP(self): self.assert_loop(); self.emit(BREAK_LOOP) self.stack_unknown() def CONTINUE_LOOP(self, label): self.assert_loop() if self.blocks[-1][0]==SETUP_LOOP: op = JUMP_ABSOLUTE # more efficient if not in a nested block else: op = CONTINUE_LOOP return self.jump(op, label) def __call__(self, *args): last = None for ob in args: if hasattr(ob, '__call__'): last = ob(self) else: try: f = generate_types[type(ob)] except KeyError: raise TypeError("Can't generate", ob) else: last = f(self, ob) return last def return_(self, ob=None): return self(ob, Code.RETURN_VALUE) decorate(classmethod) def from_function(cls, function, copy_lineno=False): code = cls.from_code(getattr(function, CODE), copy_lineno) return code decorate(classmethod) def from_code(cls, code, copy_lineno=False): import inspect self = cls.from_spec(code.co_name, *inspect.getargs(code)) if copy_lineno: self.set_lineno(code.co_firstlineno) self.co_filename = code.co_filename self.co_freevars = code.co_freevars # XXX untested! return self decorate(classmethod) def from_spec(cls, name='', args=(), var=None, kw=None): self = cls() self.co_name = name self.co_argcount = len(args) self.co_varnames.extend(args) if var: self.co_varnames.append(var) self.co_flags |= CO_VARARGS if kw: self.co_varnames.append(kw) self.co_flags |= CO_VARKEYWORDS def tuple_arg(args): self.UNPACK_SEQUENCE(len(args)) for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, basestring): tuple_arg(arg) else: self.STORE_FAST(arg) for narg, arg in enumerate(args): if not isinstance(arg, basestring): dummy_name = '.'+str(narg) self.co_varnames[narg] = dummy_name self.LOAD_FAST(dummy_name) tuple_arg(arg) return self def patch_arg(self, offset, oldarg, newarg): code = self.co_code if (oldarg>0xFFFF) != (newarg>0xFFFF): raise AssertionError("Can't change argument size", oldarg, newarg) code[offset+1] = newarg & 255 code[offset+2] = (newarg>>8) & 255 if newarg>0xFFFF: newarg >>=16 code[offset-2] = newarg & 255 code[offset-1] = (newarg>>8) & 255 def nested(self, name='', args=(), var=None, kw=None, cls=None): if cls is None: cls = self.__class__ code = cls.from_spec(name, args, var, kw) code.co_filename=self.co_filename return code def __iter__(self): i = 0 extended_arg = 0 code = self.co_code n = len(code) while i < n: op = code[i] if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = code[i+1] + code[i+2]*256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg*long(65536) i+=3 continue yield i, op, oparg i += 3 else: yield i, op, None i += 1 def makefree(self, names): nowfree = dict.fromkeys(self.co_freevars) newfree = [n for n in names if n not in nowfree] if newfree: self.co_freevars += tuple(newfree) self._locals_to_cells() def makecells(self, names): nowcells = dict.fromkeys(self.co_cellvars+self.co_freevars) newcells = [n for n in names if n not in nowcells] if newcells: if not (self.co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED): raise AssertionError("Can't use cellvars in unoptimized scope") cc = len(self.co_cellvars) nc = len(newcells) self.co_cellvars += tuple(newcells) if self.co_freevars: self._patch( deref_to_deref, dict([(n+cc,n+cc+nc)for n in range(len(self.co_freevars))]) ) self._locals_to_cells() def _locals_to_cells(self): freemap = dict( [(n,p) for p,n in enumerate(self.co_cellvars+self.co_freevars)] ) argmap = dict( [(p,freemap[n]) for p,n in enumerate(self.co_varnames) if n in freemap] ) if argmap: for ofs, op, arg in self: if op==DELETE_FAST and arg in argmap: raise AssertionError( "Can't delete local %r used in nested scope" % self.co_varnames[arg] ) self._patch(fast_to_deref, argmap) def _patch(self, opmap, argmap={}): code = self.co_code for ofs, op, arg in self: if op in opmap: if arg in argmap: self.patch_arg(ofs, arg, argmap[arg]) elif arg is not None: continue code[ofs] = opmap[op] def code(self, parent=None): if self.blocks: raise AssertionError("%d unclosed block(s)" % len(self.blocks)) flags = self.co_flags & ~CO_NOFREE if parent is not None: locals_written = self.locals_written() self.makefree([ n for n in self.co_varnames[ self.co_argcount + ((self.co_flags & CO_VARARGS)==CO_VARARGS) + ((self.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS)==CO_VARKEYWORDS) : ] if n not in locals_written ]) if not self.co_freevars and not self.co_cellvars: flags |= CO_NOFREE elif parent is not None and self.co_freevars: parent.makecells(self.co_freevars) return NEW_CODE( self.co_argcount, len(self.co_varnames), self.co_stacksize, flags, to_code(self.co_code), tuple(self.co_consts), tuple(self.co_names), tuple(self.co_varnames), self.co_filename, self.co_name, self.co_firstlineno, to_code(self.co_lnotab), self.co_freevars, self.co_cellvars ) for op in hasfree: if not hasattr(Code, opname[op]): def do_free(self, varname, op=op): self.stackchange(stack_effects[op]) try: arg = list(self.co_cellvars+self.co_freevars).index(varname) except ValueError: raise NameError("Undefined free or cell var", varname) self.emit_arg(op, arg) setattr(Code, opname[op], with_name(do_free, opname[op])) compares = {} for value, name in enumerate(cmp_op): compares[value] = value compares[name] = value compares['<>'] = compares['!='] for op in hasname: if not hasattr(Code, opname[op]): def do_name(self, name, op=op): self.stackchange(stack_effects[op]) try: arg = self.co_names.index(name) except ValueError: arg = len(self.co_names) self.co_names.append(name) self.emit_arg(op, arg) if op in (LOAD_NAME, STORE_NAME, DELETE_NAME): # Can't use optimized local vars, so reset flags self.co_flags &= ~CO_OPTIMIZED setattr(Code, opname[op], with_name(do_name, opname[op])) for op in haslocal: if not hasattr(Code, opname[op]): def do_local(self, varname, op=op): if not self.co_flags & CO_OPTIMIZED: raise AssertionError( "co_flags must include CO_OPTIMIZED to use fast locals" ) self.stackchange(stack_effects[op]) try: arg = self.co_varnames.index(varname) except ValueError: arg = len(self.co_varnames) self.co_varnames.append(varname) self.emit_arg(op, arg) setattr(Code, opname[op], with_name(do_local, opname[op])) for op in hasjrel+hasjabs: if not hasattr(Code, opname[op]): def do_jump(self, address=None, op=op): self.stackchange(stack_effects[op]) return self.jump(op, address) setattr(Code, opname[op], with_name(do_jump, opname[op])) def gen_map(code, ob): code.BUILD_MAP(0) for k,v in ob.items(): code.DUP_TOP() code(k, v) code.ROT_THREE() code.STORE_SUBSCR() def gen_tuple(code, ob): code(*ob) return code.BUILD_TUPLE(len(ob)) def gen_list(code, ob): code(*ob) return code.BUILD_LIST(len(ob)) generate_types = { int: Code.LOAD_CONST, long: Code.LOAD_CONST, bool: Code.LOAD_CONST, CodeType: Code.LOAD_CONST, str: Code.LOAD_CONST, unicode: Code.LOAD_CONST, complex: Code.LOAD_CONST, float: Code.LOAD_CONST, type(None): Code.LOAD_CONST, tuple: gen_tuple, list: gen_list, dict: gen_map, } class NotAConstant(Exception): """The supplied value is not a constant expression tree""" def const_value(value): """Return the constant value -- if any -- of an expression tree Raises NotAConstant if the value or any child of the value are not constants. """ t = type(value) if t is Const: value = value.value elif t is tuple: t = tuple(map(const_value,value)) if t==value: return value return t elif generate_types.get(t) != Code.LOAD_CONST: raise NotAConstant(value) return value def fold_args(f, *args): """Return a folded ``Const`` or an argument tuple""" try: for arg in args: if arg is not Pass and arg is not None: const_value(arg) except NotAConstant: return args else: c = Code() f(*args+(c,)) c.RETURN_VALUE() return Const(eval(c.code())) def iter_code(codestring): """Iterate over a code string, yielding (start,op,arg,jump,end) tuples `start` is the position of the operation start, `end` is the position of the next operation start. `jump` is a jump target or ``None`` if `op` isn't a jump. `op` is the opcode, and `arg` the argument, with 32-bit ``EXTENDED_ARG`` instructions pre-processed. """ start = ptr = 0 size = len(codestring) extend = 0 while ptr < size: op = ord(codestring[ptr]) ptr += 1 if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT: arg = ord(codestring[ptr]) + ord(codestring[ptr+1])*256 + extend extended_arg = 0 ptr += 2 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extend = arg*long(65536) continue if op in hasjrel or op in hasjabs: jump = arg+ptr*(op in hasjrel) else: jump = None else: arg = label = jump = None yield start, op, arg, jump, ptr start = ptr argtype = {} for name, group in dict( co_consts = hasconst, co_names = hasname, co_varnames = haslocal, free = hasfree, cmp_ops = hascompare, ).items(): for op in group: argtype[op] = name def dump(code): """Disassemble code in a symbolic manner, i.e., without offsets""" code = getattr(code, FUNC, code) code = getattr(code, CODE, code) co_names = code.co_names co_consts = [repr(x) for x in code.co_consts] co_varnames = code.co_varnames cmp_ops = cmp_op free = code.co_cellvars + code.co_freevars labels = {} instructions = list(iter_code(code.co_code)) lbl = [jump for start, op, arg, jump, end in instructions if jump is not None] lbl.sort() for jump in lbl: labels.setdefault(jump, "L%d:" % (len(labels)+1)) i = 0 while i="2.5": _se.YIELD_VALUE = 1, 1 stack_effects = [(0,0)]*256 for name in opcode: op = opcode[name] name = name.replace('+','_') if hasattr(_se,name): # update stack effects table from the _se class stack_effects[op] = getattr(_se,name) if not hasattr(Code,name): # Create default method for Code class if op>=HAVE_ARGUMENT: def do_op(self,arg,op=op,se=stack_effects[op]): self.stackchange(se); self.emit_arg(op,arg) else: def do_op(self,op=op,se=stack_effects[op]): self.stackchange(se); self.emit(op) setattr(Code, name, with_name(do_op, name))