from unittest import TestCase, makeSuite, TestSuite from peak.util.decorators import * from peak.util.decorators import with_metaclass import sys def ping(log, value): """Class decorator for testing""" def pong(klass): log.append((value,klass)) return [klass] decorate_class(pong) def additional_tests(): import doctest return doctest.DocFileSuite( 'README.txt', optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS|doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, ) class DecoratorTests(TestCase): def testAssignAdvice(self): log = [] def track(f,k,v,d): log.append((f,k,v)) if k in f.f_locals: del f.f_locals[k] # simulate old-style advisor decorate_assignment(track,frame=sys._getframe()) test_var = 1 self.assertEqual(log, [(sys._getframe(),'test_var',1)]) log = [] decorate_assignment(track,1) test2 = 42 self.assertEqual(log, [(sys._getframe(),'test2',42)]) # Try doing double duty, redefining an existing variable... log = [] decorate_assignment(track,1) decorate_assignment(track,1) test2 = 42 self.assertEqual(log, [(sys._getframe(),'test2',42)]*2) def testAs(self): def f(): pass [decorate(lambda x: [x])] f1 = f self.assertEqual(f1, [f]) [decorate(list, lambda x: (x,))] f1 = f self.assertEqual(f1, [f]) def test24DecoratorMode(self): log = [] def track(f,k,v,d): log.append((f,k,v)) return v def foo(x): pass decorate_assignment(track,1)(foo) x = 1 self.assertEqual(log, [(sys._getframe(),'foo',foo)]) def testAlreadyTracing(self): log = []; stk = [] fue = self.assertEqual.__name__ #['failUnlessEqual'] def my_global_tracer(frm,event,arg): if not stk: log.append(frm.f_code.co_name) if frm.f_code.co_name==fue: stk.append(frm) return my_local_tracer def my_local_tracer(frm, event, arg): if event=='return' and stk and stk[-1] is frm: stk.pop() return my_local_tracer sys.settrace(my_global_tracer) # This is going to break your debugger! self.testAssignAdvice() sys.settrace(None) # And this part is going to fail if testAssignAdvice() or # decorate_assignment change much... self.assertEqual(log, [ 'testAssignAdvice', 'decorate_assignment', 'enclosing_frame', '', fue, 'decorate_assignment', 'enclosing_frame', '', fue, 'decorate_assignment', 'enclosing_frame', '', 'decorate_assignment', 'enclosing_frame', '', fue, ]) moduleLevelFrameInfo = frameinfo(sys._getframe()) class FrameInfoTest(TestCase): classLevelFrameInfo = frameinfo(sys._getframe()) def testModuleInfo(self): kind,module,f_locals,f_globals = moduleLevelFrameInfo assert kind=="module" for d in module.__dict__, f_locals, f_globals: assert d is globals() def testClassInfo(self): kind,module,f_locals,f_globals = self.classLevelFrameInfo assert kind=="class" assert f_locals['classLevelFrameInfo'] is self.classLevelFrameInfo for d in module.__dict__, f_globals: assert d is globals() def testCallInfo(self): kind,module,f_locals,f_globals = frameinfo(sys._getframe()) assert kind=="function call" assert f_locals is locals() # ??? for d in module.__dict__, f_globals: assert d is globals() def testClassExec(self): d = {'sys':sys, 'frameinfo':frameinfo} exec("class Foo: info=frameinfo(sys._getframe())", d) kind,module,f_locals,f_globals = d['Foo'].info assert kind=="class", kind class ClassDecoratorTests(TestCase): def testOrder(self): log = [] class Foo: ping(log, 1) ping(log, 2) ping(log, 3) # Strip the list nesting for i in 1,2,3: assert isinstance(Foo,list) Foo, = Foo assert log == [ (1, Foo), (2, [Foo]), (3, [[Foo]]), ] def testOutside(self): try: ping([], 1) except SyntaxError: pass else: raise AssertionError( "Should have detected advice outside class body" ) def testDoubleType(self): if sys.hexversion >= 0x02030000: return # you can't duplicate bases in 2.3 class aType(type,type): ping([],1) aType, = aType assert aType.__class__ is type def testSingleExplicitMeta(self): class M(type): pass class C(with_metaclass(M, M)): ping([],1) C, = C assert C.__class__ is M def testMixedMetas(self): class M1(type): pass class M2(type): pass class B1(with_metaclass(M1)): pass class B2(with_metaclass(M2)): pass try: class C(B1,B2): ping([],1) except TypeError: pass else: raise AssertionError("Should have gotten incompatibility error") class M3(M1,M2): pass class C(with_metaclass(M3,B1,B2)): ping([],1) assert isinstance(C,list) C, = C assert isinstance(C,M3) def testMetaOfClass(self): class metameta(type): pass class meta(with_metaclass(metameta, type)): pass assert metaclass_for_bases((meta,type))==metameta class ClassyMetaTests(TestCase): """Test subclass/instance checking of classy for Python 2.6+ ABC mixin""" # avert 3.2 warnings, but still work on 2.3(!) failUnless = getattr(TestCase, 'assertTrue', TestCase.failUnless) failIf = getattr(TestCase, 'assertFalse', TestCase.failIf) def setUp(self): class x(classy): pass class y(x): pass class cc(type(classy)): pass self.__dict__.update(locals()) def test_subclassing(self): self.failUnless(issubclass(self.x, classy)) self.failUnless(issubclass(self.y, self.x)) self.failIf(issubclass(self.x, self.y)) self.failIf(issubclass(classy, self.x)) self.failIf(issubclass(self.x, type(classy))) def test_instancing(self): self.failIf(isinstance(self.x, classy)) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.x, type(classy))) self.failIf(isinstance(self.x(), type(classy))) self.failIf(isinstance(object, type(classy))) self.failIf(isinstance(self.x(),self.y)) self.failUnless(isinstance(self.y(),self.x))