Fixes and Enhancements since Version 0.5 alpha 1 Changed, Enhanced, or Newly Deprecated Features - 'binding.Acquire()' now accepts a 'default' value argument, and 'binding.New()' no longer accepts the 'bindToOwner' flag. - There is a new 'binding.IComponentKey' interface that is used to implement 'IComponent.lookupComponent()'. Now you can implement this interface, or create an adapter for it, in order to make an object usable as an argument to 'binding.lookupComponent()' - and therefore usable as a key for 'binding.bindTo()' or 'binding.bindToSequence()'. Not that it's necessarily very useful to do so; you're probably better off simply creating a naming scheme. But it might be useful for lookups done in the context of classes, since naming schemes aren't usable there. (It was actually added in order to factor out all the type testing that 'lookupComponent' used to do, so it doesn't matter if it's useful for much else.) - PEAK has been refactored to avoid the use of 'isImplementedBy()' and similar introspection, in favor of 'adapt()'. As a result, some 'peak.naming' interfaces have changed. This should not affect you if you are only subclassing PEAK-provided naming components and not implementing these interfaces "from scratch". However, the various 'isAddress', 'isAddressClass', 'isResolver', and 'isName' APIs have also been removed, as they were based on 'isImplementedBy()'. - REMOVED ability to use '__implements__' and '__class_implements__' to declare support for interfaces. Use 'implements()', 'classProvides()', 'directlyProvides()', 'moduleProvides()', etc. to do this now; they are now available automatically from 'peak.api'. Similarly, the ability to use 'isImplementedBy()' with interfaces declared by PEAK is REMOVED. You can still use 'isImplementedBy()' with Zope interfaces, of course, but we recommend you switch to 'adapt()', which will work with both PEAK and Zope interfaces. - Replaced all use of 'zope.interface' with 'peak.interface' because the new 'peak.interface': * is considerably smaller and simpler than 'zope.interface' * produces Interface objects that can be inspected with the Python 'pydoc' and 'help()' tools * supports and implements the PEP 246 'adapt()' protocol * transparently supports transitive adaptation - i.e. if adapter AB adapts from A to B, and adapter BC adapts from B to C, then an adapt(x,C) where 'x' is an 'A', will be implemented as BC(AB(x)). * Supports "open protocols" that allow you to "superclass" a protocol to create a subset protocol; objects that support the first protocol will automatically support the subset protocol. For example, if one person defines a "dictionary" protocol, someone else can create a "read-only dictionary" protocol, and all objects supporting the "dictionary protocol" will be considered to implement the "read-only dictionary" protocol. * can interoperate with other interface packages, including Zope's, but does not require them * works with module inheritance (for everything but moduleProvides()) * lets you use Interfaces as abstract base classes (i.e., you can inherit from an interface and turn it into an implementation, and you can define default attribute values or method implementations in your interfaces * Lets you mix interface declarations from any number of frameworks and any number of interface types, in a single 'implements()' or 'classProvides()' * uses adaptation as the fundamental approach to dealing with interfaces, and avoids the use of 'isImplementedBy()'. In the *rare* case that you need to introspect rather than adapt, you can always call adapt() and check the result. Most of these features are unavailable in 'zope.interface', and some have been declared by the Zope Pope to be unacceptable or undesirable features for Zope interfaces. (Others may be available in some form in future versions of Zope X3.) So, we no longer require or distribute 'zope.interface'. - The signatures of the 'getObjectInstance()', 'getStateToBind()', and 'getURLContext()' methods in the 'peak.naming' package have changed, to place the context or parent component as the first, non-optional argument. (If you don't know what these methods are for, you don't need to do anything about this, as they are part of the naming package's extensibility framework.) - 'EigenRegistry' and 'PropertyMap' no longer attempt to figure out whether implied (i.e. inherited) interfaces are more or less general with respect to a previous registration. This was behavior that emulated Zope adapter registries, but what we really wanted was more akin to a Zope "type" registry. The only parts of the test suite that used the old behavior were the tests specifically written to ensure that behavior! - 'binding.bindTo()' now accepts a 'default=' argument, whose value will be used in case of a 'NameNotFound' error. - DEPRECATED 'naming.ParsedURL'. It will disappear in 0.5 alpha 3 or beta. It is replaced by the new 'naming.URL.Base'. The 'naming.URL' package provides a new URL parsing framework based on 'peak.model'. Upgrading from 'ParsedURL' to 'URL.Base' is trivial for ParsedURL subclasses that used only the 'scheme' and 'body' fields, and in fact may not require any changes except for the choice of base class. Also, the 'retrieve()' method of URLs is deprecated; please begin defining the 'getObjectInstance()' method instead. This is to cut down a bit on the number of ways that the naming package spells the idea of retrieving something! For more complex URL classes, the '__init__' methods go away, 'parse' methods change slightly, and explicit field definitions (using 'model.structField' or similar) are required. See PEAK's 'URL.Base' subclasses for examples. There is also a sophisticated parsing and formatting framework (see the 'peak.naming.URL' and 'peak.util.fmtparse' modules) that can be used in place of the old regex-based approach. - Added 'peak.util.fmtparse', a parsing and formatting framework, and integrated it with 'peak.model' so that any element type can have a syntax for parsing from, or formatting to, a string. - Added 'binding.whenAssembled(...)' as syntax sugar for 'binding.Once(...,activateUponAssembly=True)'. - Removed 'LOG_XYZ' convenience functions from 'peak.api', and refactored 'peak.running.logs' to use a PEP 282-like interface, 'running.ILogger'. Under the new scheme, messages must be sent to a specific entry point (e.g. 'self.logger.warning("foo")'). Components can bind an attribute directly to a logger object, or via configuration properties or utilities. PEAK components that do logging all define a 'logger' attribute, bound to a configuration property in the 'peak.logs' property namespace. By a default in 'peak.ini', 'peak.logs.*' is configured to output messages of 'WARNING' priority or higher to 'sys.stderr'. For compatibility with the PEP 282 logging package, a 'logging.logger:' URL scheme has been added; looking up the URL '""' is equivalent to 'logging.getLogger("")', unless the 'logging' package is not available, in which case the configuration property '' will be looked up in the target context of the lookup. Optionally, you can configure the 'logging.logger' URL scheme so that it only uses PEAK loggers, and never uses the PEP 282 loggers. - Added 'binding.metamethod()' wrapper for metaclass methods that might not be accessible from their instances if the instances (classes) also defined the method for *their* instances. You must now use this wrapper on any such metaclass-defined methods, as PEAK no longer works around this via the ',...)' trick that was used previously. In particular, if you have metaclass definitions of 'getParentComponent', '_getConfigData', 'getComponentName', or 'notifyUponAssembly', you need to wrap them with 'binding.metamethod' now. - Made 'NOT_GIVEN' and 'NOT_FOUND' recognizable by humans (they 'repr' and 'str' to their names) and by Python (they can be pickled, and when restored they come back as the same object). Corrected Problems - Fixed 'naming.lookup()' and related APIs not setting the parent component of created objects without an explicitly supplied 'creationParent' keyword argument. This used to "sort of work" when we had implicit configuration parents, but was broken when we went "all explicit" for 0.5 alpha 1. - Fixed a problem where initializing single-valued immutable fields of 'peak.model' types did not perform type/value normalization. - Fixed a problem where bindTo would use the attribute name as the default value for a lookup, if the requested name/property/utility was not found. - Fixed 'mof2py' generator script not working - Fixed model.Element not getting parent component set when passed as a constructor argument. - Fixed property/utility lookups not working correctly on model.* objects. - Fixed IndentedStream generating all-whitespace lines