Fixes and Enhancements since Version 0.5 alpha 3 - The 'peak.util.WSGIServer' module has been moved to the 'wsgiref.simple_server' module. The 'wsgiref' reference library for WSGI (aka PEP 333) is now distributed with PEAK. - Added a 'WSGI' command to the 'peak' script, to allow you to run "foreign" (i.e. non-PEAK) PEP 333 applications in PEAK's various servers and launchers. Basically, by prefixing 'WSGI' before the import specifier, you can now run such foreign apps. For example:: peak launch WSGI import:some_app.application will run 'some_app.application' in the local web browser, and:: peak CGI WSGI import:some_app.application will run it under the CGI/FastCGI runner. Similarly, you can use this in the "Command" spec for the "peak supervise" pre-forking FastCGI supervisor subsystem. - There is a new 'running.IWSGIApplication' interface, for PEP 333-compliant "application" objects, and all of PEAK's provided applications now implement it instead of 'running.IRerunnableCGI'. If you write your apps to the newer interface, they'll be portable to any PEP 333-compliant web server, not just the PEAK CGI, FastCGI, and "supervisor" containers. There is a simple adapter that allows 'IWSGIApplication' objects to run in the CGI-based containers, but not the other way around, so using 'IRerunnableCGI' directly now limits your portability. (For example, the "peak launch" and "peak serve" commands will soon require 'IWSGIApplication', and will not support 'IRerunnableCGI' any more.) Of course, if you use the 'peak.web' framework, you don't need to worry about any of this; your apps will automatically be wrapped as 'IWSGIApplication', and run in any PEAK server or gateway. - Most 'peak.web' interfaces have changed significantly. If you implemented anything based on the older interfaces, and it still works, it's sheer bloody luck. In particular, note that every method in 'web.IWebTraversable' now has different inputs and/or outputs than before. Please read the new interface docs and update your code! The changed interfaces offer much more flexibility and functionality than before, but they will require you to update your code. - 'web.ContainerAsTraversable' has been removed. It was redundant, since the new default traversal mechanism used by 'Traversable' and 'Decorator' now handles getitem, getattr, and views. - Added Zope 3-like "namespaces" to 'peak.web'. Path segments in a URL may be prefixed with '"++some_id++"' in order to invoke a corresponding namespace handler registered under '"peak.web.namespaces.some_id"'. Namespace handlers must implement 'web.INamespaceHandler', and they are supplied with the original path segment as well as the separated namespace and name. Also, as in Zope 3, '"@@foo"' is a shortcut for '"++view++foo"'. Builtin namespaces at this time include 'view', 'item', 'attr', 'skin', and 'resources'. 'skin' treats the rest of its path segment as a skin name, and sets the current skin, while 'resources' begins traversal to resources found in the current skin. The other namespaces are as described at: "Resources and traversal in peak.web": - Fixed several '' bugs, as reported by Vladimir Iliev, Yaroslav Samchuk, and Alexander Smishlajev: * 'events.AnyOf' could hold multiple references to a single event source, and nesting 'AnyOf()' calls could leak references to the nested events. * 'events.subscribe()' had a potential race condition wherein a callback could be invoked after its weak reference was garbage collected, leading to bizarre error messages about 'self' being 'None'. * 'select()' could be called on select event objects even if there were no current subscribers to the event, potentially leading to calling 'select()' on a closed socket. * Non-default signal handlers were remaining installed even when there were no current subscribers to the applicable event, as long as a reference to the event object existed. As a result of these changes, certain I/O event types (esp. signals and stream readable/writeable events) are now longer-lived. For example, signal event objects are now immortal, and the read/write event for a particular 'fileno()' will be reused for as long as its supplying 'Selector' or 'EventLoop' instance exists. (Previously, weak references were used so that these objects would be recycled when not in use.) - Added 'config.registeredProtocol()' API, that supports defining named and local protocols. This allows easy emulation of Zope 3's "named" and "local" adapters and views. - 'binding.Component' objects no longer support instance configuration at runtime (i.e., they no longer implement 'config.IConfigurable'). If you need a component to be configurable at runtime, you must now derive from (or mix in) 'binding.Configurable' instead. If you get errors about a missing 'registerProvider' attribute, or about being unable to adapt to 'IConfigurable', try changing your base class from 'binding.Component' to 'binding.Configurable', or add it as a mixin if you're deriving from a class that uses 'binding.Component' as its base. - 'binding.IComponent' no longer derives from 'config.IConfigurable' or 'config.IConfigMap', only 'config.IConfigSource'. This means that 'IComponent' no longer guarantees or requires the presence of the 'registerProvider()' method: now only 'config.IConfigurable' does that. - The 'config.IConfigMap' interface is now DEPRECATED. Use 'config.IConfigurable' instead. The '_configKeysMatching()' method of 'IConfigMap' was moved to 'config.IConfigSource', so if you've implemented a custom 'IConfigSource', be sure to add this method. - 'web.ISkinService' and 'web.ILayerService' were consolidated into 'web.IInteractionPolicy', because the need to have configurable implementations of these services is negligible. That is, the corresponding property namespaces ('peak.web.skins' and 'peak.web.layers') are more than adequate as registries. - Removed 'peak.running.timers' and 'peak.util.dispatch'. Neither was in active use, and both are being replaced by the new generic functions package in PyProtocols. - The 'config.iterParents' API is now moved to 'binding.iterParents', and all 'binding' functions that walk the component hierarchy use it. It has also been changed to avoid infinite loops in the case of a pathological component structure. - The 'persistence' package has been moved to 'peak.persistence' to avoid conflicts with ZODB3 and the latest version of Zope 3. It will eventually be phased out, but for now this move is the simplest way to get it out of the way. - The 'peak.util.SOX' module now uses only one parser, based directly on 'expat', instead of using SAX. The new parser expects a new node interface, 'IXMLBuilder', but adapters from the previous interfaces ('ISOXNode' and 'ISOXNode_NS') are supplied for backward compatibility. All of PEAK's direct XML handling (currently just '' and 'peak.web.templates') have been refactored to use the new interface. Some parsing classes (such as 'ObjectMakingHandler', 'NSHandler', and 'DOMletParser') are no longer available. - 'peak.web' no longer uses Zope X3 for HTTP publishing support; it has been refactored to use a "simpler, more uniform architecture": See also "more on the architecture": and subsequent posts in that thread. As a consequence, "various features have been removed": from 'peak.web', for possible return at a future date. Here is a rough outline of the changes made so far: * The 'pageProtocol', 'pathProtocol', and 'errorProtocol' machinery are gone. They will be replaced in the future with an explicit "controller" wrapping mechanism to allow application-specific renderings of the same underlying components. * The Zope 'request' and 'response' objects are gone, along with all of their special handling for cookies, character sets, form variables, automatically marshalling parameters to functions, etc. These items of functionality will be gradually replaced by functions in 'peak.web.api'. As a result of this, arbitrary functions and methods can no longer be used as web pages; instead, functions and methods to be published must use the same inputs and outputs as the 'IHTTPHandler.handle_http()' method. * The 'IWebPage', 'IWebInteraction', 'ITraversalContext', 'Traversal', 'TraversalContext', and 'Interaction' interfaces and classes no longer exist, as they are unneeded in the new architecture. Instead of having a central 'IWebInteraction' that's referenced by numerous 'ITraversalContext' objects, the new approach uses an 'environ' mapping for most functions. For access control, a 'security.IInteraction' is now used, whose function is limited to security checks. Most functions previously performed by 'IWebInteraction' have moved to 'IInteractionPolicy' or to 'peak.web.api' functions operating on 'environ' mappings. * Web exceptions can define a 'levelName' attribute that determines the severity level with which the exception will be logged. This allows one to e.g. avoid logging tracebacks for 'NotFound' errors. * Various interface calling signatures have changed slightly. For example, 'IAuthService.getUser()' now accepts an 'environ' mapping instead of an interaction. 'IInteractionPolicy.newInteraction()' now takes keyword arguments, but not a 'request'. The 'IWebTraversable' interface no longer has a 'getObject()' method, and the 'IWebException.handleException()' method signature has changed as well. Finally, all methods that previously accepted 'ITraversalContext' (such as 'IDOMletState.renderFor()') now expect 'environ' mappings. * 'web.TestInteraction' was replaced with 'web.TestPolicy', and 'web.Interaction' was removed, since 'IWebInteraction' is no longer part of the architecture. - The 'log()' method of PEAK loggers ('logs.ILogger') now accepts a level name *or* a number, for convenient invocation. - SQL transaction semantics have changed. Now, issuing an SQL statement *always* causes the connection to join the active PEAK transaction, even if you request that the SQL be issued "outside" a transaction. Such SQL will be issued outside of the *database* transaction, but not outside of the PEAK transaction. This simplifies the overall processing model for dealing with "untransacted" SQL such as Sybase DDL or read-only Oracle transactions. (In particular, the requirement that triggered this change was to allow Oracle read-only transactions to be released at the end of the current PEAK transaction.) Also, got rid of the now-meaningless 'begin' command in n2. - The 'events.IEventSource' interface now returns a 'canceller' function from the 'addCallback()' method, allowing you to cancel a previously-scheduled callback. This fixes a memory leak and performance problem with 'events.AnyOf()', which previously could accumulate unneeded callbacks on the sources it was monitoring. Note that if you have developed any custom event sources with 'addCallback()' methods, you must make sure that they return a canceller from now on. - Added 'ref:factory@addr1||addr2' URL scheme that maps to a corresponding 'naming.Reference("factory",["addr1","addr2"])'. 'factory' can be either a dotted import string referencing a 'naming.IObjectFactory', or you can define a factory in the 'peak.naming.factories' property space. - Added a 'zconfig.schema' factory, so that 'ref:zconfig.schema@streamURL' will load a schema loader. Schema loaders are themselves object factories, so you can do something like:: [Named Services] peak.naming.factories.myschema = \ naming.LinkRef('ref:zconfig.schema@pkgfile:mypkg/Schema.xml') in order to make URLs like 'ref:myschema@filename' work. Note, by the way, that the above could also read:: [Named Services] peak.naming.factories.myschema = \ naming.Reference('zconfig.schema',['pkgfile:mypkg/Schema.xml']) which runs somewhat faster at lookup time. Similarly, one can also use 'naming.Reference("myschema",["somefile"])' in place of a 'naming.LinkRef("ref:myschema@filename")'. As well as being faster, for some use cases it's easier to 'Reference' directly than to glue together a 'ref:' URL string.