"""Simple Objects from XML - quick-and-dirty XML parsing without a DOM This module implements most of the overhead needed for turning SAX events into a hierarchy of objects. E.g., stack handling, delegation to node classes, etc. If all you need is to read an XML file and turn it into objects, you came to the right place. If you need an actual model of the XML file that you can manipulate, with absolute fidelity to the original, you might be better off with a DOM, since this doesn't retain processing instructions or comments. SOX is faster than 'minidom' or any other DOM that I know of. On the other hand, SOX is slower than PyRXP, but SOX handles Unicode correctly. To use this module, you will need a "document" object that implements either 'ISOXNode' or 'ISOXNode_NS', depending on whether you want namespace support. The interfaces are very similar, except that the 'NS' version has some enhancements/simplifications that can't be added to the non-namespace version for backward-compatibility reasons. Once you have your document object, just call 'SOX.load(filenameOrStream,documentObject,namespaces=flag)' to get back the result of your document object's '_finish()' method after it has absorbed all of the XML data supplied. If you need a simple document or node class, 'Document', 'Document_NS', 'Node', and 'Node_NS' are available for subclassing or idea-stealing. """ from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator, quoteattr, escape from protocols import Interface, advise, Adapter from kjbuckets import kjGraph __all__ = [ 'load', 'ISOXNode', 'ISOXNode_NS', 'IXMLBuilder', 'ExpatBuilder', 'Node', 'Node_NS', 'Document', 'Document_NS', 'IndentedXML', ] class ISOXNode(Interface): """Object mapping from an XML element Objects implementing ISOXNode are used to construct object structures from XML elements. Each node gets to control how its subnodes are created, and what will be passed back to its parent node once its element subtree is complete. In the simplest possible case, one can create a simple DOM-like tree of nodes which closely resemble the original XML. Or, one can create a tree of objects with only minor structural similarities, or even use nodes just to do "side-effect" processing guided by the XML structures, like an interpretive parser. """ def _newNode(name,attributeMap): """Create new child node from 'name' and 'attributeMap' Child node must implement the 'ISOXNode' interface.""" def _acquireFrom(parentNode): """Parent-child relationship hook Called on newly created nodes to give them a chance to acquire context information from their parent node""" def _addText(text): """Add text string 'text' to node""" def _addNode(name,subObj): """Add finished sub-node 'subObj' to node""" def _finish(): """Return an object to be used in place of this node in call to the parent's '_addNode()' method. Returning 'None' will result in nothing being added to the parent.""" class ISOXNode_NS(Interface): def _newNode(name, attributeMap): """Create new child node from 'name' and 'attributeMap' Child node must implement the 'ISOX2Node' interface.""" def _setNS(ns2uri, uri2ns): """Set namespace declaration maps""" def _addText(text): """Add text string 'text' to node""" def _addNode(name,subObj): """Add finished sub-node 'subObj' to node""" def _finish(): """Return an object to be used in place of this node in call to the parent's '_addNode()' method. Returning 'None' will result in nothing being added to the parent.""" class IXMLBuilder(Interface): def _xml_addChild(data): """Add 'data' to element's children""" def _xml_finish(): """Return finished value to be passed to parent's 'addChild()'""" def _xml_newTag(name,attrs,newPrefixes,parser): """Create and return a subnode for a tag""" def _xml_addText(xml): """Return a new subnode for text""" def _xml_addLiteral(xml): """Return a new subnode for literals such as comments, PIs, etc.""" class SoxNodeAsXMLBuilder(Adapter): advise( instancesProvide=[IXMLBuilder], asAdapterForProtocols=[ISOXNode] ) def _xml_addText(self,text): self.subject._addText(text) def _xml_addLiteral(self,text): pass def _xml_finish(self): return self.subject._finish() def _xml_addChild(self,node): self.subject._addNode(self.lastName,node) # XXX def _xml_newTag(self,name,attrs,newPrefixes,parser): node = self.subject._newNode(name,dict(attrs)) node._acquireFrom(self.subject) self.lastName = name return node class NSNodeAsXMLBuilder(Adapter): advise( instancesProvide=[IXMLBuilder], asAdapterForProtocols=[ISOXNode_NS] ) def _xml_addText(self,text): self.subject._addText(text) def _xml_addLiteral(self,text): pass def _xml_finish(self): return self.subject._finish() def _xml_addChild(self,node): self.subject._addNode(self.lastName,node) # XXX def _xml_newTag(self,name,attrs,newPrefixes,parser): node = self.subject._newNode(name,dict(attrs)) if newPrefixes: ns2uri = dict( [(prefix,stack[-1]) for prefix,stack in parser.nsInfo.items()] ) node._setNS(ns2uri, ~kjGraph(ns2uri.items())) self.lastName = name return node class Node: """Simple, DOM-like ISOXNode implementation""" advise( instancesProvide = [ISOXNode] ) def __init__(self,name='',atts={},**kw): self._name = name self._subNodes = [] self._allNodes = [] self.__dict__.update(atts) self.__dict__.update(kw) def _addNode(self,name,node): self._allNodes.append(node) self._subNodes.append(node) d=self.__dict__ if not d.has_key(name): d[name]=[] d[name].append(node) def _newNode(self,name,atts): return self.__class__(name,atts) def _addText(self,text): self._allNodes.append(text) def _get(self,name): return self.__dict__.get(name,[]) def _findFirst(self,name): d=self._get(name) if d: return d for n in self._subNodes: if hasattr(n,'_findFirst'): d = n._findFirst(name) if d: return d def _finish(self): return self _acquiredAttrs = () def _acquireFrom(self,parentNode): d=self.__dict__ have=d.has_key for k in self._acquiredAttrs: if not have(k): d[k]=getattr(parentNode,k) class Document(Node): def _finish(self): self.documentElement = self._subNodes[0] return self def _newNode(self,name,atts): return Node(name,atts) class Node_NS(Node): advise( instancesProvide = [ISOXNode_NS] ) ns2uri = {} uri2ns = kjGraph() def _newNode(self,name,atts): node = self.__class__( name, atts, ns2uri=self.ns2uri, uri2ns=self.uri2ns ) return node def _setNS(self, ns2uri, uri2ns): self.ns2uri, self.uri2ns = ns2uri, uri2ns class Document_NS(Node_NS): _finish = Document._finish.im_func def _newNode(self,name,atts): return Node_NS(name, atts) def load(filename_or_stream, documentObject=None, namespaces=False): """Build a tree from a filename/stream, rooted in a document object""" if namespaces: if documentObject is None: documentObject = Document_NS() else: if documentObject is None: documentObject = Document() if isinstance(filename_or_stream,str): filename_or_stream = open(filename_or_stream,'rt') elif hasattr(filename_or_stream,'getByteStream'): filename_or_stream = filename_or_stream.getByteStream() return ExpatBuilder().parseFile(filename_or_stream,documentObject) class IndentedXML(XMLGenerator): """SAX handler that writes its output to an IndentedStream""" def __init__(self, out=None, encoding="iso-8859-1"): if out is None: from IndentedStream import IndentedStream out = IndentedStream() XMLGenerator.__init__(self,out,encoding) def startElement(self,name,attrs): XMLGenerator.startElement(self,name,attrs) self._out.push(1) def startElementNS(self,name,qname,attrs): XMLGenerator.startElementNS(self,name,qname,attrs) self._out.push(1) def characters(self,content): self._out.push() self._out.setMargin(absolute=0) XMLGenerator.characters(self,content) self._out.pop() def endElement(self,name): self._out.pop() XMLGenerator.endElement(self,name) def endElementNS(self,name,qname): self._out.pop() XMLGenerator.endElementNS(self,name,qname) class INegotiationData(Interface): """ All of the negotiator's behavior is controlled by 'data' dictionaries that may contain the following functions: * 'start(parser,data)' -- called to create the current element * 'finish(parser,data)' -- a function that's called when the current element is finished * 'child(result)' -- gets passed the return value from each child element's 'finish' function, if that child had a 'finish' function. * 'text(text)' -- a function that's passed any character data within the current element * 'literal(text)' -- a function that's passed any literal (non-character) data within the current element, such as comments, processing instructions, etc. Negotiation data can be changed at any time by either the negotiator functions, or by any of the above functions. """ class INegotiatorLookup(Interface): def __call__(nsURI, name): """Return a negotiator function for the specified element or attribute """ class IElementNegotiator(Interface): def __call__(parser, data): """Alter 'data' as needed to ensure element is processed correctly""" class IAttributeNegotiator(Interface): def __call__(parser, data, name, value): """Alter 'data' as needed to ensure element is processed correctly 'name' and 'value' are the name and value of the applicable attribute. """ class NegotiatingParser: """XML processor that lets elements and attributes "negotiate" w/each other Basic usage:: neg = Negotiator() neg.setLookup(elem_lookup_func, attr_lookup_func) neg.parseStream(file,root) # or neg.parseString(text,root) """ _parser = _url = None def __init__(self): self.element_map = {} self.attribute_map = {} self.ns_info = {} self.stack = [{}] self.lookup_element = self.lookup_attribute = lambda ns,name=None:None def addNamespace(self,prefix,ns_uri): self.ns_info.setdefault(prefix,[]).append(ns_uri) self.stack[-1].setdefault('prefixes',[]).append(prefix) # We have new XML namespaces, so our caches are invalid until # we're done with this element: reset caches for now self.resetCaches() def splitName(self,name): if ':' in name: ns,nm = name.split(':',1) else: ns,nm = '',name if self.ns_info.get(ns): return self.ns_info[ns][-1], nm else: return None, name def startElement(self,name,attrs): if self.stack[-1].get('empty'): self.err("Child elements not allowed") a = []; append = a.append; negattrs=[] attrs.reverse(); pop = attrs.pop data = {'name':name, 'attributes':a, 'previous':self.stack[-1]} self.stack.append(data) while attrs: k=pop(); v=pop() append((k,v)) if k=='xmlns': self.addNamespace('',v) elif ':' in k: if k.startswith('xmlns:'): self.addNamespace(k[6:],v) else: negattrs.append((k,v)) try: f = self.element_map[name] except KeyError: ns,nm = self.splitName(name) f = self.element_map[name] = self.lookup_element(ns,nm) if f: f(self,data) # do attrs negotiation for k,v in negattrs: try: f = self.attribute_map[k] except KeyError: ns,nm = self.splitName(k) f = self.attribute_map[k] = self.lookup_attribute(ns,nm) if f: f(self,data,k,v) # execute start function start = data.get('start') if start: start(self,data) def endElement(self,name): data = self.stack.pop(); result = None finish = data.get('finish') if finish: result = finish(self,data) child = self.stack[-1].get('child') if child: child(result) if 'prefixes' in data: for prefix in data['prefixes']: self.ns_info[prefix].pop() if 'caches' in data: self.attribute_map, self.element_map = data['caches'] if 'lookups' in data: self.lookup_element, self.lookup_attribute = data['lookups'] return result # for tests def resetCaches(self): data = self.stack[-1] if 'caches' not in data: # only save once per stack level data['caches'] = self.attribute_map, self.element_map self.attribute_map, self.element_map = {}, {} def err(self,msg,kind=SyntaxError): """Generate an error with current parse location""" exc = kind() exc.msg = msg exc.filename = self._url if self._parser: exc.text = self._parser.GetInputContext() exc.lineno = self._parser.CurrentLineNumber exc.offset = self._parser.CurrentColumnNumber else: exc.lineno = exc.offset = exc.text = None exc.args = msg, (exc.filename,exc.lineno,exc.offset,exc.text) raise exc def setLookups(self,element=None,attribute=None): self.resetCaches() data = self.stack[-1] if 'lookups' not in data: # only save once per stack level data['lookups'] = ( self.lookup_element, self.lookup_attribute, ) if element is not None: self.lookup_element = element if attribute is not None: self.lookup_attribute = attribute def text(self,text): f = self.stack[-1].get('text') if f: f(text) def literal(self,text): f = self.stack[-1].get('literal') if f: f(text) def comment(self,text): f = self.stack[-1].get('literal') # comment is literal w/ if f: f(u'' % text) def makeParser(self): from pyexpat import ParserCreate p = ParserCreate() p.ordered_attributes = True p.returns_unicode = True p.specified_attributes = True p.StartElementHandler = self.startElement p.EndElementHandler = self.endElement p.CommentHandler = self.comment p.DefaultHandler = self.literal p.CharacterDataHandler = self.text return p def _beforeParsing(self,root=None,url=None): root = root or {} self.stack.append(root) p = self.makeParser() self._parser = p; self._url = url start = root.get('start') if start: start(self,root) return p def _afterParsing(self): data = self.stack.pop() finish = data.get('finish') try: if finish: return finish(self,data) finally: del self._parser, self._url def parseString(self,text,root=None,url=None): self._beforeParsing(root,url).Parse(text,True) return self._afterParsing() def parseStream(self,stream,root=None,url=None): self._beforeParsing(root,url).ParseFile(stream) return self._afterParsing() class ExpatBuilder: """Parser that assembles a document""" def __init__(self): self.parser = self.makeParser() self.stack = [] # "object being assembled" stack self.nsStack = [] self.nsInfo = {} # URI stack for each NS prefix def makeParser(self): from pyexpat import ParserCreate p = ParserCreate() p.ordered_attributes = True p.returns_unicode = True p.specified_attributes = True p.StartElementHandler = self.startElement p.EndElementHandler = self.endElement p.CommentHandler = self.comment p.DefaultHandler = self.buildLiteral # We don't use: # .StartDoctypeDeclHandler # .StartNamespaceDeclHandler # .EndNamespaceDeclHandler # .XmlDeclHandler(version, encoding, standalone) # .ElementDeclHandler(name, model) # .AttlistDeclHandler(elname, attname, type, default, required) # .EndDoctypeDeclHandler() # .ProcessingInstructionHandler(target, data) # .UnparsedEntityDeclHandler(entityN,base,systemId,publicId,notationN) # .EntityDeclHandler( # entityName, is_parameter_entity, value, base, # systemId, publicId, notationName) # .NotationDeclHandler(notationName, base, systemId, publicId) # .StartCdataSectionHandler() # .EndCdataSectionHandler() # .NotStandaloneHandler() return p def parseFile(self, stream, rootNode): self.__init__() self.stack.append(IXMLBuilder(rootNode)) self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.stack[-1]._xml_addText self.parser.ParseFile(stream) return self.stack[-1]._xml_finish() def comment(self,data): self.buildLiteral(u'' % data) def buildLiteral(self,xml): self.stack[-1]._xml_addLiteral(xml) def startElement(self, name, attrs): prefixes = []; a = [] pop = attrs.pop append = a.append while attrs: k = pop(0); v=pop(0) append((k,v)) if not k.startswith('xmlns'): continue rest = k[5:] if not rest: ns = '' elif rest.startswith(':'): ns = rest[1:] else: continue self.nsInfo.setdefault(ns,[]).append(v) prefixes.append(ns) self.nsStack.append(prefixes) element = self.stack[-1]._xml_newTag(name, a, prefixes, self) self.stack.append(IXMLBuilder(element)) self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.stack[-1]._xml_addText def endElement(self, name): last = self.stack.pop() self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.stack[-1]._xml_addText self.stack[-1]._xml_addChild(last._xml_finish()) for prefix in self.nsStack.pop(): self.nsInfo[prefix].pop()