========================================================== Package Shipment and Address Verification with ``PyDicia`` ========================================================== PyDicia is a Python interface to endicia.com's postal services client, DAZzle. Using DAZzle's XML interface, PyDicia can be used to print shipping labels, envelopes, postcards and more, with or without prepaid US postage indicia (electronic stamps), as well as doing address verification. In addition to providing a layer of syntax sugar for the DAZzle XML interface, PyDicia provides a novel adaptive interface that lets you smoothly integrate its functions with your application's core types (like invoice, customer, or "packing slip" objects) without subclassing. (This is particularly useful if you are extending a CRM or other database that was written by somebody else.) PyDicia uses the ElementTree, simplegeneric, and DecoratorTools packages, and requires Python 2.4 or higher (due to use of decorators and the ``Decimal`` type). IMPORTANT Please note that PyDicia does not attempt to implement all of the US Postal Service's business rules for what options may be used in what combinations. It doesn't even validate most of the DAZzle client's documented restrictions! So it's strictly a "Garbage In, Garbage Out" kind of deal. If you put garbage in, who knows what the heck will happen. You might end up spending lots of money *and* getting your packages returned to you -- and **I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE**, even if your problem is due to an error in PyDicia or its documentation! So, make sure you understand the shipping options you wish to use, and test your application thoroughly before using this code in production. You have been warned! TODO: * Cmd-line and queue mode handlers * Response parsing and application ----------------- Developer's Guide ----------------- Basic XML Generation ==================== PyDicia simplifies the creation of XML for DAZzle by using objects to specify what data needs to go in the XML. These objects are mostly ``Option`` instances, or callables that create ``Option`` instances. However, the framework is extensible, so that you can use your own object types with the same API. Your object types can either generate ``Option`` instances, or directly manipulate the XML using ElementTree APIs for maximum control. In the simpler cases, however, you will just use lists or tuples of objects provided by (or created with) the PyDicia API to represent packages or labels. Batch Objects ------------- XML documents are represented using ``Batch`` objects:: >>> from pydicia import * >>> b = Batch() The ``tostring()`` method of a batch returns its XML in string form, optionally in a given encoding (defaulting to ASCII if not specified):: >>> print b.tostring('latin1') To add a package to a batch, you use the ``add_package()`` method:: >>> b.add_package(ToName('Phillip Eby')) >>> print b.tostring() Phillip Eby The ``add_package()`` method accepts zero or more objects that can manipulate PyDicia package objects. It also accepts tuples or lists of such objects, nested to arbitrary depth. >>> b.add_package([Services.COD, (Stealth, ToName('Ty Sarna'))], FlatRateBox) >>> print b.tostring() Phillip Eby TRUE Ty Sarna FLATRATEBOX And the ``packages`` attribute of a batch keeps track of the arguments that have been passed to ``add_package()``:: >>> b.packages [(ToName('Phillip Eby'),), ([Services.COD('ON'), (Stealth('TRUE'), ToName('Ty Sarna'))], PackageType('FLATRATEBOX'))] Each "package" in the list is a tuple of the arguments that were supplied for each invocation of ``add_package()``. Treating Your Objects as Packages --------------------------------- It also accepts any custom objects of your own design, that are registered with the ``pydicia.add_to_package()`` or ``pydicia.iter_options()`` generic functions:: >>> class Customer: ... def __init__(self, **kw): ... self.__dict__ = kw >>> @iter_options.when_type(Customer) ... def cust_options(ob): ... yield ToName(ob.name) ... yield ToAddress(ob.address) ... yield ToCity(ob.city) ... yield ToState(ob.state) ... yield ToPostalCode(ob.zip) >>> b = Batch() >>> c = Customer( ... name='PJE', address='123 Nowhere Dr', state='FL', city='Nowhere', ... zip='12345-6789' ... ) >>> b.add_package(c) >>> print b.tostring() PJE 123 Nowhere Dr Nowhere FL 12345-6789 This allows you to pass customer, package, product, invoice, or other application-specific objects into ``add_package()``. And the objects yielded by your ``iter_options`` implementation can also be application objects, e.g.:: >>> class Invoice: ... def __init__(self, **kw): ... self.__dict__ = kw >>> @iter_options.when_type(Invoice) ... def invoice_options(ob): ... yield ob.shippingtype ... yield ob.products ... yield ob.customer >>> b = Batch() >>> i = Invoice( ... shippingtype=(Tomorrow, MailClass('MEDIAMAIL')), ... products=[WeightOz(27),], customer=c ... ) >>> b.add_package(i) >>> print b.tostring() 1 MEDIAMAIL 27 PJE 123 Nowhere Dr Nowhere FL 12345-6789 Also note that there is no particular significance to my choice of lists vs. tuples in these examples; they're more to demonstrate that you can use arbitrary structures, as long as they contain objects that are supported by either ``iter_options()`` or ``add_to_package()``. Normally, you will simply use collections of either PyDicia-provided symbols, or application objects for which you've defined an ``iter_options()`` method. You will also usually want to implement your PyDicia support in a module by itself, so you can use ``from pydicia import *`` without worrying about symbol collisions. Batch-wide Options ------------------ When you create a batch, you can pass in any number of objects, to specify options that will be applied to every package. For example, this batch will have every package set to be mailed tomorrow as media mail:: >>> b = Batch( Tomorrow, MailClass('MEDIAMAIL') ) >>> b.add_package(ToName('PJE')) >>> print b.tostring() PJE 1 MEDIAMAIL Multi-Batch Shipments ===================== Certain DAZzle options can only be set once per file, such as the choice of layout file. If you are shipping multiple packages with different label layouts (such as domestic vs. international mail), you need to separate these packages into different batches. The ``Shipment`` class handles this separation for you automatically. When you create a shipment, it initially has no batches:: >>> s = Shipment() >>> s.batches [] But as you add packages to it, it will create batches as needed:: >>> s.add_package(ToName('Phillip Eby'), DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 1 >>> print s.batches[0].tostring() Phillip Eby As long as you're adding packages with the same or compatible options, the same batch will be reused:: >>> s.add_package(ToName('Ty Sarna'), DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 1 >>> print s.batches[0].tostring() Phillip Eby Ty Sarna But as soon as you add a package with any incompatible options, a new batch will be created and used:: >>> s.add_package(ToName('PJE'), ~DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 2 >>> print s.batches[1].tostring() PJE And each time you add a package, it's added to the first compatible batch:: >>> s.add_package(ToName('Some Body'), ~DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 2 >>> print s.batches[1].tostring() PJE Some Body >>> s.add_package(ToName('No Body'), DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 2 >>> print s.batches[0].tostring() Phillip Eby Ty Sarna No Body By the way, as with batches, you can create a shipment with options that will be applied to all packages:: >>> s = Shipment(Tomorrow, Services.COD) >>> s.add_package(ToName('Some Body'), DAZzle.Test) >>> s.add_package(ToName('No Body'), ~DAZzle.Test) >>> len(s.batches) 2 >>> print s.batches[0].tostring() Some Body 1 >>> print s.batches[1].tostring() No Body 1 Invoking DAZzle =============== XXX Application Integration ======================= Status handling, Address updating, ToReturnCode()... Advanced Customization ====================== Using Option elements, add_to_package() ----------------- Options Reference ----------------- Basic Package Options ===================== MailClass(text), NoPostage DateAdvance(), Today, Tomorrow Value() Description() WeightOz() Addresses ========= >>> ToName("Phillip J. Eby") ToName('Phillip J. Eby') >>> ToTitle("President") ToTitle('President') >>> ToCompany("Dirt Simple, Inc.") ToCompany('Dirt Simple, Inc.') ToAddress(*lines) ToCity(text), ToState(text), ToPostalCode(text), ToZIP4(text), ToCountry(text) ReturnAddress(*lines) ToDeliveryPoint(text) EndorsementLine(text) ToCarrierRoute(text) Package Details =============== PackageType() FlatRateEnvelope FlatRateBox RectangularParcel NonRectangularParcel Postcard Flat Envelope Width(), Length(), Depth() NonMachinable BalloonRate Service Options =============== ReplyPostage Stealth SignatureWaiver NoWeekendDelivery NoHolidayDelivery ReturnToSender Insurance.USPS Insurance.Endicia Insurance.UPIC Insurance.NONE Services.RegisteredMail Services.CertifiedMail Services.RestrictedDelivery Services.CertificateOfMailing Services.ReturnReceipt Services.DeliveryConfirmation Services.SignatureConfirmation Services.COD Services.InsuredMail() Customs Forms ============= When processing international shipments, you will usually need to specify a customs form, contents type, and items. Additionally, if you want to print the customs forms already "signed", you can specify a signer and the certification option. Contents Types -------------- The ``ContentsType`` constructor defines the type of contents declared on the customs form. There are six predefined constants for the standard contents types:: >>> Customs.Sample ContentsType('SAMPLE') >>> Customs.Gift ContentsType('GIFT') >>> Customs.Documents ContentsType('DOCUMENTS') >>> Customs.Other ContentsType('OTHER') >>> Customs.Merchandise ContentsType('MERCHANDISE') >>> Customs.ReturnedGoods ContentsType('RETURNEDGOODS') Customs Form Types ------------------ The ``CustomsFormType`` constructor defines the type of customs form to be used. There are four predefined constants for the allowed form types:: >>> Customs.GEM CustomsFormType('GEM') >>> Customs.CN22 CustomsFormType('CN22') >>> Customs.CP72 CustomsFormType('CP72') >>> Customs.NONE CustomsFormType('NONE') Customs Items ------------- Items to be declared on a customs form are created using ``Customs.Item``. The minimum required arguments are a description, a unit weight in ounces (which must be an integer or decimal), and a value in US dollars (also an integer or decimal):: >>> from decimal import Decimal >>> i = Customs.Item("Paperback book", 12, Decimal('29.95')) You may also optionally specify a quantity (which must be an integer) and a country of origin. The defaults for these are ``1`` and ``"United States"``, respectively:: >>> i Item('Paperback book', Decimal("12"), Decimal("29.95"), 1, 'United States') You always specify a unit weight and value; these are automatically multiplied by the quantity on the customs form, and for purposes of calculating total weight/value. Note that a package's total weight must be greater than or equal to the sum of its items' weight, and its value must exactly equal the sum of its items' values:: >>> b = Batch() >>> b.add_package(i) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Total package weight must be specified when Customs.Items are used >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Total item weight is 12 oz, but total package weight is only 1 oz >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(12), Value(69)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Can't set 'Value=29.95' when 'Value=69' already set And a form type and contents type must be specified if you include any items:: >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(12)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Customs form + content type must be specified with items >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(12), Customs.Gift) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Customs form + content type must be specified with items >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(12), Customs.CN22) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Customs form + content type must be specified with items >>> b.add_package(i, WeightOz(12), Customs.Gift, Customs.CN22) >>> print b.tostring() 1 United States Paperback book 12 29.95 12 GIFT CN22 29.95 The final customs form will include the multiplied-out weights and values based on the quantity of each item:: >>> b = Batch() >>> b.add_package( ... Customs.Item('x',23,42,3), Customs.Item('y',1,7), ... WeightOz(99), Customs.Gift, Customs.CN22 ... ) >>> print b.tostring() 3 United States x 69 126 1 United States y 1 7 99 GIFT CN22 133 Customs Signature ----------------- You can specify the person who's certifying the customs form using these options:: >>> Customs.Signer("Phillip Eby") CustomsSigner('Phillip Eby') >>> Customs.Certify CustomsCertify('TRUE') Processing Options ================== DAZzle.Test DAZzle.Layout(filename) DAZzle.OutputFile(filename) DAZzle.Print DAZzle.Verify DAZzle.SkipUnverified DAZzle.AutoClose DAZzle.Prompt DAZzle.AbortOnError DAZzle.AutoPrintCustomsForms Miscellaneous ============= RubberStamp(n, text) ReferenceID(text) CostCenter(int) ------------------- Internals and Tests ------------------- >>> from pydicia import add_to_package, ET, Option, Batch, Package Packages:: >>> b = Batch() >>> p = Package(b) >>> print b.tostring() >>> Box = Option('FlatRate', 'BOX') >>> add_to_package(Box, p, False) >>> print b.tostring() BOX >>> Envelope = Option('FlatRate', 'TRUE') >>> add_to_package(Envelope, p, False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Can't set 'FlatRate=TRUE' when 'FlatRate=BOX' already set >>> print b.tostring() BOX >>> add_to_package(Box, p, False) >>> print b.tostring() BOX >>> add_to_package(Envelope, p, True) >>> print b.tostring() BOX >>> del p.element[-1]; p.element.text='' >>> print b.tostring() >>> verify_zip = Option('DAZzle', 'DAZ', 'Start') >>> add_to_package(verify_zip, p, False) >>> print b.tostring() >>> add_to_package(Option('DAZzle', 'PRINTING', 'Start'), p, False) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Can't set 'DAZzle.Start=PRINTING' when 'DAZzle.Start=DAZ' already set >>> b = Batch() >>> p = Package(b) >>> add_to_package([verify_zip, Envelope], p, False) >>> print b.tostring() TRUE >>> p.should_queue(Services.COD) True >>> print b.tostring() TRUE >>> p.finish() >>> print b.tostring() TRUE >>> p.should_queue(Services.COD) False Batch rollback:: >>> b = Batch() >>> print b.tostring() >>> b.add_package(FlatRateEnvelope, FlatRateBox) Traceback (most recent call last): ... OptionConflict: Can't set 'PackageType=FLATRATEBOX' when 'PackageType=FLATRATEENVELOPE' already set >>> print b.tostring() # rollback on error Misc shipment:: >>> s = Shipment(verify_zip) >>> s.add_package(Box) >>> s.add_package(Envelope) >>> root, = s.batches >>> print root.tostring() BOX TRUE Option inversion:: >>> ~Envelope FlatRate('FALSE') >>> ~~Envelope FlatRate('TRUE') >>> ~Option('Services', 'ON', 'RegisteredMail') Services.RegisteredMail('OFF') >>> ~~Option('Services', 'ON', 'RegisteredMail') Services.RegisteredMail('ON') >>> ~Option('DAZzle', 'YES', 'Prompt') DAZzle.Prompt('NO') >>> ~~Option('DAZzle', 'YES', 'Prompt') DAZzle.Prompt('YES') The ``iter_options()`` generic function yields "option" objects for an application object. The default implementation is to raise an error:: >>> from pydicia import iter_options >>> iter_options(27) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: ('No option producer registered for', ) And for lists and tuples, the default is to yield their contents:: >>> list(iter_options((1, 2, 3))) [1, 2, 3] >>> list(iter_options(['a', 'b'])) ['a', 'b'] This routine is used internally by ``add_to_package()``.