#!/usr/bin/env python """Distutils setup file""" import ez_setup ez_setup.use_setuptools() from setuptools import setup # Metadata PACKAGE_NAME = "simplegeneric" PACKAGE_VERSION = "0.7" def get_description(): # Get our long description from the documentation f = file('README.txt') lines = [] for line in f: if not line.strip(): break # skip to first blank line for line in f: if line.startswith('.. contents::'): break # read to table of contents lines.append(line) f.close() return ''.join(lines) setup( name=PACKAGE_NAME, version=PACKAGE_VERSION, description= "Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), " "pickle.dump(), etc.)", long_description = get_description(), url = "http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/simplegeneric", author="Phillip J. Eby", author_email="peak@eby-sarna.com", license="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", test_suite = 'simplegeneric.test_suite', py_modules = ['simplegeneric'], )