
Index of /

Current revision: 2730 (of 2782)
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File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
.orphans/  2074  18 years  pje  Moved kjbuckets to .orphans
.tags/  2254  17 years  pje  Tagging DadaMail 2.10.12
AddOns/  2729  9 years  pje  AddOns is now also experimentally Python 3 compatible
BytecodeAssembler/  2646  13 years  pje  Revert licenses to ZPL 2.1; drop 'dev' tags from intermediate releases
CLI-Tools/  2592  15 years  pje  link to ez_setup
CityKid/  2720  9 years  pje  Add dump command, to export raw CityDesk data w/.json sidecars and/or front matt...
Contextual/  2695  13 years  pje  Always use setdefault() when setting possibly-shared values
Crosscuts/  2602  14 years  pje  Simple crosscut aspects: dynamic variables, a little bit like an ultra-'lite' ve...
DadaFork/  2260  17 years  pje  Correct off-by-one error
DecoratorTools/  2727  9 years  pje  Experimental support for Python 3 (tested clean on 3.1 & 3.2)
EccoChemistry/  2612  13 years  pje  Add .depth attribute to folders, iter/contains on folder types (so you can e.g. ...
EccoDDE/  2693  13 years  pje  Simplified result parsing code and fixed sz() not working with Python versions ...
Extremes/  2597  15 years  pje  Fix missing ez_setup
FreeSwytch/  2505  16 years  pje  Add channel objects, and attributes based on event fields.
Importing/  2685  13 years  pje  Add change info
ObjectRoles/  2395  16 years  pje  Deprecate ObjectRoles and make it a wrapper around AddOns
PEAK/  2716  11 years  pje  Drop use of dispatch.as(), replace w/DecoratorTools' decorate()
PEAK-Rules/  2713  11 years  pje  Workarounds for PyPy issue #1293 (corrupted docstrings on code assignment)
Plugins/  2404  16 years  pje  Fixup dependency so Contextual download link can be found
Presentable/  2439  16 years  pje  Implement the rendering process, w/rules and handlers and such.
ProxyTypes/  2273  17 years  pje  Doc fixes
PyDicia/  2696  13 years  pje  Support for DAZZle tags through version 10.1.
PyProtocols/  2302  17 years  pje  Fixed PyProtocols support for zope.interface
RuleDispatch/  2717  11 years  pje  Drop code duplicated from DecoratorTools, since DecoratorTools had decorate() si...
SCALE/  2088  18 years  pje  Implemented parsing of SCALE declaration statements, so you can now experiment ...
SymbolType/  2730  9 years  pje  SymbolType is now Python 3 compatible as well
Trellis/  2610  13 years  pje  Support 2.6 -OO option by switching to newer DecoratorTools
WebHaiku/  2443  16 years  pje  Use Contextual for database services
WikiUp/  2656  13 years  pje  The --changed-file or -f option now lets you specify a single file to upload.
ez_setup/  2694  13 years  pje  Fix path problems when pkg_resources is found but not setuptools
simplegeneric/  2709  12 years  pje  Push to PyPI
wsgiref/  2714  11 years  pje  Fix for <http://bugs.python.org/issue16220> - ensure close()
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