[Subversion] / DadaFork / plugins / change_root_password.cgi  

View of /DadaFork/plugins/change_root_password.cgi

Parent Directory | Revision Log
Revision: 2253 - (download)
Wed Jan 10 14:34:26 2007 UTC (17 years, 3 months ago) by pje
File size: 11001 byte(s)
Base version: DadaMail 2.10.12
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict; 

# make sure the DADA lib is in the lib paths!
use lib qw(./ ./DADA ../ ../DADA ../DADA/perllib); 

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); 

# use some of those Modules
use DADA::Config qw(!:DEFAULT);
use DADA::Template::HTML; 
use DADA::App::Guts;
use DADA::MailingList::Settings; 

use HTML::Template; 

my %Global_Template_Options = (
		#debug             => 1, 		
		path              => [$DADA::Config::TEMPLATES],
		die_on_bad_params => 0,	
            ($DADA::Config::CPAN_DEBUG_SETTINGS{HTML_TEMPLATE} == 1) ? 
                (debug => 1, ) :


my $Start_Marker = '# Start Root Password'; 
my $End_Marker   = '# End Root Password'; 

# we need this for cookies things
use CGI; 
my $q = new CGI; 

my $URL = $q->url; 

# This will take care of all out security woes
my ($admin_list, $root_login) = check_list_security(-cgi_obj  => $q, 
                                                    -Function => 'change_root_password');
my $list = $admin_list; 

# get the list information
my $ls = DADA::MailingList::Settings->new(-List => $list); 
my $li = $ls->get; 

    # header     
    print(admin_html_header(-Title      => "Change Your $DADA::Config::PROGRAM_NAME Root Password",
                            -List       => $li->{list},
                            -Form       => 0,
                            -Root_Login => $root_login));

    my $tmpl = default_screen(); 	                
	my $template = HTML::Template->new(%Global_Template_Options,
								        scalarref => \$tmpl, 
        new_pass_no_match => ($q->param('new_pass_no_match') == 1) ? 1 : 0, 
        old_root_pass_incorrect => ($q->param('old_root_pass_incorrect') == 1) ? 1 : 0, 

    print $template->output();
    print admin_html_footer(-List => $list, -Form => 0); 


        print $q->redirect(-url => $URL . '?old_root_pass_incorrect=1'); 
       if($DADA::Config::ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED == 1){ 	
            require DADA::Security::Password; 
            my $root_password_check = DADA::Security::Password::check_password($DADA::Config::PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD, $q->param('old_password')); 
            if($root_password_check == 1){
                # we are good.
            } else { 
                print $q->redirect(-url => $URL . '?old_root_pass_incorrect=1'); 
            if($DADA::Config::PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD eq $q->param('old_password')){ 
                # we are good.
            } else { 
                print $q->redirect(-url => $URL . '?old_root_pass_incorrect=1'); 
    if($q->param('new_password') ne $q->param('again_new_password')){ 
        print $q->redirect(-url => $URL . '?new_pass_no_match=1'); 
    # Well, if everything works out, we're cool. 
    my $file = $DADA::Config::PROGRAM_CONFIG_FILE_DIR . '/' . '.dada_config'; 
    open my $CONFIG, '<', $file
    or die "Cannot read config file at: '" . $file
    . "' because: "
    . $!;
    my $config =  do { local $/; <$CONFIG> };
    close($CONFIG) or die $!; 
    my $qmsp = quotemeta($Start_Marker); 
    my $qmep = quotemeta($End_Marker); 
    require DADA::Security::Password; 
    my $pw = $q->param('new_password');
    my $root_pass = DADA::Security::Password::encrypt_passwd($pw);
    my $new_pass = "\n" . '$ROOT_PASS_IS_ENCRYPTED = 1; ' . "\n \n" . '$PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD  = \'' . $root_pass . "'; \n"; 
    $config =~ s/($qmsp)(.*?)($qmep)/$Start_Marker\n$new_pass\n$End_Marker/sm; 
   # die $root_pass; 
    open my $CONFIGW, '>', $file
    or die "Cannot write config file at: '" . $file
    . "' because: "
    . $!;
    print $CONFIGW $config or die $!; 
    close($CONFIGW) or die $!; 
    print $q->redirect(-uri => $DADA::Config::S_PROGRAM_URL . '?f=logout&login_url='. $DADA::Config::S_PROGRAM_URL . '/' . $DADA::Config::ADMIN_FLAVOR_NAME); 


sub default_screen { 

return <<EOF

<form method="post"> 

<!--tmpl_if old_root_pass_incorrect --> 

    <p class="error">
     You did not type in the correct, current <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root Password. Please try again.


<!-- tmpl_if new_pass_no_match --> 

    <p class="error"> 
        Your retyped new <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root Password did not match!


	 Enter your old <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root <label for="old_password">Password</label>:
	 <br />
	 <input type="password" id="old_password" name="old_password" maxlength="24" />

 <label for="new_password">
  Enter your new <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root Password</label>:
 <br />
 <input type="password" name="new_password" id="new_password" size="16" maxlength="24" />

 <label for="again_new_password">
  Re-enter your new <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root Password</label>:
 <br />
 <input type="password" name="again_new_password" id="again_new_password" size="16" maxlength="24" />

<div class="buttonfloat">
 <input type="reset"  class="cautionary" />
 <input type="submit" class="processing" value="Change <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_NAME --> Root Password" />
<div class="floatclear"></div>

<input type="hidden" name="f"       value="change_password" />
<input type="hidden" name="process" value="true" />




=head1 NAME

change_root_password.cgi - B<EXPERIMENTAL> Dada Mail plugin to allow you to easily change the Dada Mail Root Password. 

=head1 VERSION

Refer to the version of Dada Mail you're using - NEVER use a version of this proggy with an earlier or later version of Dada Mail. 

=head1 USAGE

This script is a Dada Mail plugin. Once configured, you should be able to log into your list and access this plugin under the, B<Plugins> menu. 

B<Note>, that by default, this plugin can only be accessed if you log into a list using the B<Dada Mail Root Password>.




=head2 Please Read Before Installing

Before getting into configuration of the plugin, do note that this is an B<experimental> plugin, so it is slightly awkward in a few places. Make sure you have the correct environment set up to use it. 

Here's what you'll need to have: 


=item * Outside Config File (.dada_config)

Currently, this plugin only works with the outside configuration file called, I<.dada_config>. For information on how to set up the outside config file do see: 


=item * Specific Markers in the Outside Config File

This plugin very simply looks for a, B<Start Marker> and an, B<End Marker> and between these two markers should be the following variables: 



(can either be set to 1 or 0)



By default, the two markers are set in this very plugin under the variables, B<$Start_Marker> and B<$End_Marker>. So, in your .dada_config file, you should have something that looks similar to this: 

 # Start Root Password
 # End Root Password

So, following the advanced installation instructions, this is what your outside config file would look like: 

 my $DIR = '/home/account/.dada_files';
 $PROGRAM_URL              = 'http://www.yoursite.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi';

 # Start Root Password
 $PROGRAM_ROOT_PASSWORD  = 'root_password';  
 # End Root Password

 $MAILPROG                 = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
 $FILES                    = $DIR . '/.lists';
 $TEMPLATES                = $DIR . '/.templates';
 $TMP                      = $DIR . '/.tmp';
 $BACKUPS                  = $DIR . '/.backups';
 $ARCHIVES                 = $DIR . '/.archives';
 $LOGS                     = $DIR . '/.logs'; 

One of the more interesting features of this plugin is that no matter if you had your current Dada Mail Root Password encrypted before, changing it via this plugin will encrypt to the Dada Mail Root Password. 

Once your .dada_config file is configured like this, you are ready to use this plugin. 


=head2 Upload B<change_root_password.cgi> into the plugins directory

We're assuming your cgi-bin looks like this: 


and inside the I<dada> directory is the I<mail.cgi> file and the I<DADA> (uppercase) directory. Good! Make a B<new> directory in the I<dada> directory called, B<plugins>. 

Upload your tweaked copy of I<change_root_password.cgi> into that B<plugins> directory. chmod 755 change_root_password.cgi

=head2 Configure the Config.pm file

This plugin will give you a new menu item in your list control panel. Tell Dada Mail to make this menu item by tweaking the Config.pm file. Find this line (or the line(s) similar) in Config.pm file: 

 #					{-Title      => 'Change the Program Root Password',
 #					 -Title_URL  => $PLUGIN_URL."/change_root_password.cgi",
 #					 -Function   => 'change_root_password',
 #					 -Activated  => 0,
 #					},

Uncomment it (take off the "#"'s) 

Save the Config.pm file. 


You'll most likely want to use the version of this plugin with the version of Dada Mail is comes with. 



Please, let me know if you find any bugs.

=head1 AUTHOR

Justin Simoni 

See: http://mojo.skazat.com/contact


Copyright (c) 2006 Justin Simoni All rights reserved. 

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.



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