[Subversion] / PEAK / setup.py  

View of /PEAK/setup.py

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Revision: 1374 - (download) (as text)
Sat Aug 30 20:37:37 2003 UTC (20 years, 7 months ago) by pje
File size: 4235 byte(s)
Added new 'version' tool that automatically edits files to update version
information in them.  Just execute the 'version' file in the main PEAK
source directory.  (Use '--help' for help.)  You can use this tool with your
own projects by creating 'version' and 'version.dat' files in your project
directory, similar to the ones used by PEAK.  The 'version' file is a ZConfig
file that describes your project's version numbering scheme(s), formats,
and the files that need to be edited, while the 'version.dat' file contains
the current version number values.  Source for the tool, including the
configuration file schema, is in the 'peak.running.tools.version' package.
(Error handling and documentation, alas, are still minimal.)

Also, bumped PEAK version stamps to 0.5a3, using the new tool.  (Yay!)
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Distutils setup file"""


include_tests      = True   # edit this to stop installation of test modules
include_metamodels = True   # edit this to stop installation of MOF, UML, etc.
include_fcgiapp    = True   # edit this to stop installation of 'fcgiapp'

# Metadata
    '-i', 'examples',  '-i', 'old', '-i', 'tests', '-i', 'setup',
    '-i', 'kjbuckets', '-i', 'ZConfig', '-i', 'persistence',

# Base packages for installation
scripts = ['scripts/peak']

packages = [
    'peak', 'peak.api', 'peak.binding', 'peak.config', 'peak.model',
    'peak.naming', 'peak.naming.factories', 'peak.net', 'peak.running',
    'peak.running.tools', 'peak.running.tools.n2', 'peak.security',
    'peak.storage', 'peak.util', 'peak.web', 'protocols',

extensions = [
    Extension("kjbuckets", ["src/kjbuckets/kjbucketsmodule.c"]),
        "peak.binding._once", [
            "src/peak/binding/_once" + EXT,
    Extension("peak.util.buffer_gap", ["src/peak/util/buffer_gap" + EXT]),
    Extension("peak.util._Code", ["src/peak/util/_Code" + EXT]),
    Extension("protocols._speedups", ["src/protocols/_speedups" + EXT]),

# Base data files

data_files = [
    ('peak',     ['src/peak/peak.ini']),
    ('peak/web', ['src/peak/web/resource_defaults.ini']),
] + findDataFiles('src/peak/running', 1, '*.xml')

if include_tests:

    packages += [
        'peak.tests', 'peak.binding.tests', 'peak.config.tests',
        'peak.model.tests', 'peak.naming.tests', 'peak.running.tests',
        'peak.security.tests', 'peak.web.tests',
        'peak.storage.tests', 'peak.util.tests', 'protocols.tests',

    data_files += [
        ('peak/running/tests', ['src/peak/running/tests/test_cluster.txt']),
        ('peak/config/tests',  ['src/peak/config/tests/test_links.ini']),
    ] + findDataFiles('src/peak/web/tests', 1, '*.pwt')

if include_metamodels:

    packages += [
        'peak.metamodels.UML13', 'peak.metamodels.UML14',
        'peak.metamodels.UML13.model', 'peak.metamodels.UML14.model',

    if include_tests:

        packages += [ 'peak.metamodels.tests' ]

        data_files += findDataFiles('src/peak/metamodels/tests', 1, '*.xml')

    # Check if Zope X3 is installed; we use zope.component
    # because we don't install it ourselves; if we used something we
    # install, we'd get a false positive if PEAK was previously installed.
    import zope.component
    zope_installed = True

except ImportError:
    zope_installed = False

if not zope_installed:

    packages += [
        'persistence', 'ZConfig',

    extensions += [
        Extension("persistence._persistence", ["src/persistence/persistence.c"])

    if include_tests:
        packages += [
            'persistence.tests', 'ZConfig.tests',

        data_files += findDataFiles(
            'src/ZConfig/tests', 1, '*.xml', '*.txt', '*.conf'

import sys

if sys.version_info < (2,3):
    # Install datetime module if we're not on 2.3
    packages += ['datetime']
    if include_tests:
        packages += ['datetime.tests']

import os

if os.name=='posix':

    # install 'fcgiapp' module on posix systems
    if include_fcgiapp:
        extensions += [
            Extension("fcgiapp", [
                "src/fcgiapp/fcgiappmodule.c", "src/fcgiapp/fcgiapp.c"



    description="The Python Enterprise Application Kit",
    author="Phillip J. Eby",
    license="PSF or ZPL",

    package_dir = {'':'src'},
    packages    = packages,
    cmdclass = SETUP_COMMANDS,
    data_files = data_files,
    ext_modules = extensions,
    scripts = scripts,


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