[Subversion] / PEAK / src / peak / binding / meta.py  

View of /PEAK/src/peak/binding/meta.py

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Revision: 405 - (download) (as text)
Thu Jun 13 01:10:44 2002 UTC (21 years, 10 months ago) by pje
File size: 21403 byte(s)
Hacked on it until all tests pass...  But still a lot of re-name, re-doc,
re-org to go.  Still need to move Caching over, and there are some test
package splits that need to be done (metamodels->model).  Need to make the
Once and other peak.binding package import idioms consistent, too.  But
at least the tests run.  The repository is not yet stable, however.
"""Frequently Useful Metaclasses (And Friends)"""

__all__ = [
    'AssertInterfaces', 'ActiveDescriptors', 'ActiveDescriptor',
    'Singleton', 'MethodExporter'

from kjbuckets import *
from types import FunctionType

class ActiveDescriptors(type):

    """Type which gives its descriptors a chance to find out their names,
       and supports tracking volatile attributes for __getstate__ filtering"""
    def __init__(klass, name, bases, dict):

        va = kjSet()
        e  = kjSet()

        for k in klass.__mro__:
            va += getattr(k,'__volatile_attrs__',e)
        klass.__volatile_attrs__ = va

        for k,v in dict.items():
            if isinstance(v,ActiveDescriptor):


class ActiveDescriptor(object):
    """This is just a (simpler sort of) interface assertion class""" 

    def activate(self,klass,attrName):
        """Informs the descriptor that it is in 'klass' with name 'attrName'"""
        raise NotImplementedError

class AssertInterfaces(type):

    """Work around Zope Interface package's new-style class/metaclass bug
        Use this as a metaclass of any new-style class you'd like to have
        properly support '__implements__' and '__class_implements__', as
        current versions of the Zope 'Interface' package can't tell that
        a metaclass instance is really a class-like thing.

        Basically, this does two tricks.  First, it converts any
        '__implements__' value in the class dictionary to an
        'interfaceAssertion' attribute descriptor.  Second, it provides
        'instancesImplements' and 'instancesImplement' methods to its
        instances, so that when looking for 'isImplementedByInstancesOf',
        the 'Interface' package will get the right thing.  There are two
        spellings of the method because the Zope 2.x and Zope 3X versions
        of the package spell it differently.  :(
    def __init__(klass, name, bases, dict):
        """Convert '__implements__' to a descriptor"""
        if dict.has_key('__implements__'):
            imp = dict['__implements__']
            if not isinstance(imp, klass.interfaceAssertion):
                klass.__implements__ = klass.interfaceAssertion(imp)

        super(AssertInterfaces, klass).__init__(name, bases, dict)

    def instancesImplements(klass):

        """Tell 'Interface' what our (non-metaclass) instances implement"""

        ia = klass.interfaceAssertion

        for k in klass.__mro__:

            i = k.__dict__.get('__implements__')

            if i is None:

            elif isinstance(i,ia):
                return i.implements

                return i

    instancesImplement = instancesImplements

    class interfaceAssertion(object):
        """Smart descriptor that returns the right '__implements__'"""
        def __init__(self, implements, *extra):
            self.implements = (implements,) + extra

        def __get__(self, ob, typ=None):
            """Return '__class_implements__' if retrieved from the class,
                or '__implements__' if retrieved from the instance."""
            if ob is None:
                from Interface.Standard import Class
                return getattr(typ,'__class_implements__',Class)

            return self.implements

class MethodExporter(ActiveDescriptor, type):

    """Support for generating "verbSubject()" methods from template functions

        MethodExporter is a metaclass whose instances are singletons that
        install "verbSubject()"-style methods in classes which contain them.
        The verbs are implemented as method templates in the class statement
        which defines the MethodExporter, and the subject name comes from
        the name of the class being defined.

        Usage example::

            class slappableFeature(object):

                __metaclass__ = MethodExporter

                message = "Ow, that hurts!"

                newVerbs = [ ('slap', "slap%(initCap)s") ]

                def slap(feature, self, extra):
                    print "%s: %s (%s)" % (self.name, feature.message, extra)

            class Person(object):

                def __init__(self,name):
                    self.name = name

                class face(slappableFeature):
                    message = "Watch out for my glasses!"

                class back(slappableFeature):

            joe = Person('Joe')
            # Prints: "Joe: Watch out for my glasses! (Thanks, I needed that!)"
            joe.slapFace("Thanks, I needed that!")

            # Prints: "Joe: Ow, that hurts!  (Am I great or what?)"
            joe.slapBack("Am I great or what?")

        While a bit silly, this demonstrates how the method template 'slap()'
        is used to generate 'slapFace()' and 'slapBack()' methods, how to
        define a 'newVerbs' list, and the calling conventions for verbs.

        Typically, you will define MethodExporters with multiple verbs, and
        you may also use template variants, which are chosen by metadata in
        subclasses.  For example, suppose we wanted 'slappableFeatures' to
        implement the 'slap' verb differently depending on skin thickness::
            class slappableFeature(object):

                __metaclass__ = MethodExporter

                thickness = 5
                newVerbs = [ ('slap', "slap%(initCap)s") ]

                def slap_thick(feature, self):
                    print "THUD!", feature.thickness

                slap_thick.installIf = (
                    lambda feature,func: feature.thickness > 10

                slap_thick.verb = "slap"

                def slap_thick(feature, self):
                    print "SMACK!", feature.thickness

                slap_thin.installIf = (
                    lambda feature,func: feature.thickness <= 10

                slap_thin.verb = "slap"

            class Person(object):

                class face(slappableFeature):
                    thickness = 5

                class back(slappableFeature):
                    thickness = 15

            joe = Person()

            # two ways to print "SMACK! 5"

            # two ways to print "THUD! 15"

        As you can see from this example, 'face' and 'back' actually do exist
        as real attributes of the 'Person' class.  They are instances of
        MethodExporter, class-like objects created by their respective class
        statements.  MethodExporter instances are singleton-like: any functions
        defined in a MethodExporter which are not templates (i.e., do not
        have a 'verb' and aren't listed in the 'newVerbs' list) will become
        methods of the MethodExporter itself, rather than methods of the
        containing class.  To distinguish such methods, and to keep clear the
        distinction between the feature and its container, we suggest using
        'feature' as the first parameter of such methods.  For example, we
        could rewrite the slap verb as::

            def yelp(feature):
                # This will be a method of the feature, because it is not
                # defined in 'newVerbs' of this class or a superclass
                print 'Y%sow!  My %s hurts!" % (
                    'e'*(20-feature.thickness), feature.attrName

            def slap(feature, self):

        This will print "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeow!  My face hurts!" or
        "Yeeeeeow!  My back hurts!", as is appropriate for the specific
        feature.  We could also simply call 'Person.back.yelp()' or
        'Person.face.yelp()' to obtain the same results.

        By now, the sharp-eyed reader will be wondering about the bits of
        magic code that keep showing up, such as the '(feature, self)'
        parameter pattern, and the 'newVerbs' list.  Not to mention our earlier
        usage of the 'installIf' and 'verb' attributes.  So let's move on to
        the reference sections...

        Specifying Verbs with the 'newVerbs' class attribute

            The 'newVerbs' class attribute is a list of '(key,value)' tuples
            listing verbs introduced in the MethodExporter being defined.
            The keys are verb (inner method) names, and the values are format
            strings that are used to generate the outer method names.
            The format strings are applied to a 'nameMapping' object supplied
            by MethodExporter's 'subjectNames()' method.  The format strings
            are normal Python '%' formatting strings as applied to a mapping.
            The names in parentheses, such as '"initCap"' in
            '"slap%(initCap)s"', are looked up in the mapping object.

            'initCap' is the most commonly used name in a format string: it
            supplies the MethodExporter instance's name, with the first
            character capitalized.  But there are many other options.  For
            example, any attribute of the MethodExporter being defined can
            be used, like this::

                class Collection(someFeature):
                    single = 'item'
                    newVerbs = Items(add='add%(single)s')

            The above example will generate an 'additem()' method, unless a
            subclass changes the 'single' attribute to a different string.
            This lets you have subclasses change the name of what kind of
            objects are in a collection, and have the exported method names
            change accordingly.  (Notice also that you can use the peak.api
            'Items()' function to create a 'newVerbs' list; you don't have to
            do it by hand.)

            You can also use more complex formatting, using dotted names::

                class Collection(someFeature):
                    single = 'item'
                    newVerbs = Items(add='add%(single.initCap)s')

            This will apply the 'nameMapping.initCap()' method to the 'single'
            attribute before formatting, resulting in an 'addItem()' method.
            See the 'nameMapping' documentation for more details on how names
            used in format strings are interpreted.

        The 'installIf' function attribute

            The 'installIf' function attribute, if supplied, is a callable that
            takes two arguments: the feature (i.e. the MethodExporter instance
            which is being created), and the function.  If the callable returns
            a true value, the function will be used as the template for the
            appropriate verb (inner and outer forms).  If the callable returns
            false, the function will not be used.  Note that 'installIf'
            conditions should be arranged such that only *one* can be true at
            a time, since if more than one is true, it is undefined which
            variant of the verb will be used.

        The 'verb' function attribute

            The normal use of 'installIf' is to select variant implementations
            of the same verb, based on metadata supplied in a subclass.  However,
            since the variants must have different function names, the 'verb'
            function attribute is used to indicate the name which will be used
            in the finished MethodExporter.  Thus, in our "thick and thin" slap
            example, using 'slap_thick.verb="slap"' and 'slap_thin.verb="slap"'
            caused either 'slap_thick' or 'slap_thin' to be installed as the
            'slap' method of the MethodExporter.  If you do not supply a
            'verb' function attribute, the function's name within the class
            is used.  Note that this does not have to be the function name;
            for example, the below defines a 'baz' verb, not 'foo'::

                def foo(self): pass

                class bar(object):
                    __metaclass__ = MethodExporter
                    baz = foo

        Parameters and Calling Conventions

            All methods of a MethodExporter are defined as Python 'classmethod'
            objects.  (This is done for you automatically by MethodExporter, so
            you don't have to explicitly declare them as such.)

            Being class methods, the first parameter of any method or method
            template that you place in a MethodExporter class is always the
            class.  By convention in TransWarp, this parameter is named
            'feature', but you may use any name that makes sense to you.  When
            the method executes, this parameter will refer to the
            MethodExporter, so you can access its attributes and methods.  For
            simple methods of the MethodExporter itself, this is the only
            parameter which you *must* define.

            Method templates, however, must take a second parameter, named
            'self' by convention in TransWarp.  This parameter will receive
            the instance of the containing class that the MethodExporter is
            being used in.  Any further parameters beyond this point belong
            to the signature of your method template and are not defined or
            used by the infrastructure.
            This approach allows method templates to do double duty.  They
            can be used as class methods and passed an instance of the outer
            class, or they can be used directly as instance methods of the
            outer class.

        Inner and Outer Method Definitions

            Sometimes, one needs to modify an "off-the-shelf" method
            exported by a MethodExporter.  For this reason, MethodExporters
            do not overwrite methods which are already defined in their
            containing class.  For example, if we defined Person as follows::

                class Person(object):

                    class face(slappableFeature):
                        thickness = 5

                    class back(slappableFeature):
                        thickness = 15

                    def slapBack(self):
                        print "Do you really have to do that?"

                    def slapFace(self):
                        print "Don't even think about it!"

            Then 'aPerson.slapFace()' would print "Don't even think about it",
            while 'aPerson.slapBack()' would carry out the generated behavior,
            and then ask, "Do you really have to do that?".  Subclasses of
            Person will retain these modified behaviors, even if 'back' is
            redefined in the subclass.  (In which case, the redefined behavior
            will be followed by the "Do you really have to do that?" question.)

        Why 'self.__class__.back'?

            Sharp-eyed Pythonistas may wonder why we don't just say
            'self.back' and be done with it.  The reason is that features
            can also be properties, so 'self.back' might actually be the
            instance value of the property defined by the feature.
            'self.__class__.back' will always be the class' definition of the
            feature 'back', which is what we want.

            The SEF framework adds '__get__', '__set__', and '__delete__'
            methods to a subclass of MethodExporter, which lets you create
            features that are properties; look at the
            peak.model.basic.FeatureMC class for more details.

        Implementation Notes
            It's amazing that it takes so much documentation to describe so
            little code.  The combined docstrings for this metaclass are over
            *three times the size of the actual code*.  So if you've already
            read this far, you might as well read the source if you have a need
            to understand the actual implementation.  :)"""

    def subjectNames(self):
        """Return a nameMapping object for this feature"""
        return nameMapping(self)

    def getMethod(self, ob, verb):

        """Look up a method dynamically
        Sometimes, one wishes to access a possibly-overridden method of a
        feature, knowing the verb and subject, but not the method name.
        That is, one knows about 'slap', and 'face', but not 'slapFace'.
        In that case, 'face.getMethod(object,"slap")' can be used to obtain
        the 'object.slapFace' method, without needing to know the naming
        convetions used by the object.

        Note that this is different than simply accessing 'face.slap',
        because the containing class might have defined its own
        'slapFace()' method.  That method would refer to 'face.slap'
        in order to call the original, un-overridden method generated
        by the 'face' feature."""

        return getattr(ob,self.methodNames[verb])

    def activate(self,klass,attrName):

        """Install the feature's "verbSubject()" methods upon use in a class"""

        if attrName != self.attrName:
            raise TypeError(
                "Feature %s installed in %s as %s; must be named %s" %
                (self.attrName, klass, attrName, self.attrName)

        from peak.util.Method import MethodWrapper

        for verb,methodName in self.methodNames.items():

            old = getattr(klass, methodName, None)

            # Safe to export if no method there, or if it is an exported verb
            if old is None or hasattr(old,'verb'):
                setattr(klass, methodName, MethodWrapper(getattr(self,verb)))

    def __init__(self, className, bases, classDict):

        """Set up method templates, name mapping, etc."""

        self.attrName = className.split('.')[-1]
        super(MethodExporter,self).__init__(className, bases, classDict)

        templateItems = []; d={}
        verbItems = list(classDict.get('newVerbs',[]))[:]
        for b in bases:

        templateItems.reverse(); verbItems.reverse()
        mt = self.methodTemplates = dict(templateItems)
        verbs = self.verbs  = dict(verbItems)

        for methodName, func in classDict.items():
            if not isinstance(func,FunctionType): continue
            if hasattr(func,'verb'):
            elif methodName in verbs:
                func.verb = methodName

        names = self.subjectNames()
        mn = self.methodNames = {}

        for methodName,func in mt.items():

            installIf  = getattr(func,'installIf',None)

            if installIf is None or installIf(self,func):
                verb = func.verb
                mn[verb] = verbs[verb] % names

class nameMapping(object):

    """A mapping used for formatting outer method names

        This class implements a mapping object with a few special
        tricks.  Names to be looked up are split on '.', and then
        each name part is looked up first as a method of the
        nameMapping object itself.  If a method is found, it's called
        on the result of the previous lookup, or the default name
        if there was no previous lookup.  If a method isn't found,
        the name part is looked up in the dictionary of the
        MethodExporter the nameMapping was created for.

        See the documentation for individual method names to see what
        special names are available."""

    def __init__(self, exporter): self.names = exporter.__dict__.copy()

    def name(self, name=None):
        """name - returns the feature name"""
        return self.names['attrName']

    def upper(self, name):
        """upper - equivalent to previousName.upper()"""
        return name.upper()

    def lower(self, name):
        """lower - equivalent to previousName.lower()"""
        return name.lower()
    def capitalize(self, name):
        """capitalize - equivalent to previousName.capitalize()"""
        return name.capitalize()
    def initCap(self, name):
        """initCap - previous name with first character capitalized"""
        return name[:1].upper()+name[1:]

    def __getitem__(self,key):
        for part in key.split('.'):
            name = getattr(self,part,lambda n: self.names[part])(name)
        return name

class Singleton(type):

    """Class whose methods are all class methods"""

    def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):

        d = dict.copy()

        for k,v in dict.items():
            if isinstance(v,FunctionType):

        return super(Singleton,metaclass).__new__(metaclass,name,bases,d)

    def __call__(klass, *args, **kw):
        raise TypeError("Singletons cannot be instantiated")



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