[Subversion] / PEAK / src / peak / config / config_components.py  

View of /PEAK/src/peak/config/config_components.py

Parent Directory | Revision Log
Revision: 1848 - (download) (as text)
Mon Oct 11 21:38:07 2004 UTC (19 years, 6 months ago) by pje
File size: 16401 byte(s)
Add more aggressive caching to 'config.Namespace()'.  Add 'findLocation()'
to 'web.ITraversalContext' (without an implementation, as yet).
from __future__ import generators
from peak.api import *
from peak.util.imports import importString, importObject, whenImported
from peak.binding.components import Component, Make, getParentComponent
from peak.binding.components import iterParents, Configurable, Require
from peak.binding.interfaces import IAttachable, IRecipe
from peak.naming.interfaces import IStreamFactory
from peak.util.EigenData import EigenCell,AlreadyRead
from peak.util.FileParsing import AbstractConfigParser
from registries import FactoryFor
from interfaces import *
from protocols.advice import getMRO, determineMetaclass

__all__ = [
    'ConfigMap', 'LazyRule', 'fileNearModule', 'packageFile', 'IniLoader',
    'Value', 'iterKeys', 'Namespace', 'iterValues',
    'CreateViaFactory', 'parentsProviding', 'parentProviding', 'lookup',

def _setCellInDict(d,key,value):

    cell = d.get(key)

    if cell is None:
        cell = d[key] = EigenCell()


_emptyRuleCell = EigenCell()
_emptyRuleCell.set(lambda *args: NOT_FOUND)

def fileNearModule(moduleName,filename):
    """DEPRECATED: please switch to 'config.packageFile()' or a URL"""
    filebase = importString(moduleName+':__file__')
    import os; return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filebase), filename)

def packageFile(moduleName,filename):

    """Return 'naming.IStreamFactory' for 'filename' in 'moduleName' package"""

    module = importString(moduleName)

    if hasattr(module,'__loader__') and hasattr(module.__loader__,'get_data'):
        from peak.naming.factories.openable import ImportLoaderFactory
        return ImportLoaderFactory(module.__loader__,moduleName,filename)

    from peak.naming.factories.openable import FileFactory
    import os.path
    return FileFactory(
            os.path.dirname(module.__file__), *filename.split('/')


class StreamSource(protocols.Adapter):


    def getFactory(self, context):
        from peak.naming.factories.openable import FileFactory,FileURL
            url = FileURL.fromFilename(self.subject)
        except exceptions.InvalidName:
            url = naming.toName(self.subject, FileURL.fromFilename)
        if isinstance(url,FileURL):
            return FileFactory(filename=url.getFilename())
        return naming.lookup(context,url)

class FactorySource(protocols.Adapter):


    def getFactory(self, context):
        return self.subject

def iterValues(component, configKey):

    """Return iterator over all values of'configKey' for 'component'"""

    forObj = component
    configKey = adapt(configKey,IConfigKey)

    for component in iterParents(component):

            gcd = component._getConfigData
        except AttributeError:

        value = gcd(forObj, configKey)
        if value is not NOT_FOUND:
            yield value

    ).noMoreValues(component, configKey, forObj)

def lookup(component, configKey, default=NOT_GIVEN):

    """Return value for 'configKey' in context of 'component', or 'default'"""

    for value in iterValues(component, configKey):
        return value

    if default is NOT_GIVEN:
        raise exceptions.NameNotFound(configKey, resolvedObj = component)

    return default

def parentsProviding(component, protocol):

    """Iterate over all parents of 'component' that adapt to 'protocol'"""

    for parent in iterParents(component):
        c = adapt(parent,protocol,None)
        if c is not None:
            yield c

def parentProviding(component, protocol, default=NOT_GIVEN):
    """Return first parent providing 'protocol' for 'component', or 'default'"""

    for u in parentsProviding(component, protocol):
        return u

    if default is NOT_GIVEN:
        raise exceptions.NameNotFound(protocol, resolvedObj = component)

    return default

def iterKeys(component, configKey):

    """Iterate sub-keys of 'configKey' that are available from 'component'"""

    yielded = {}

    for ob in parentsProviding(component,IConfigSource):
        for key in ob._configKeysMatching(configKey):
            if key in yielded:
            yielded[key] = 1
            yield key

class CreateViaFactory(object):

    """'IRule' for one-time creation of target interface using FactoryFor()"""


    __slots__ = 'configKey'

    def __init__(self,configKey):
        self.configKey = adapt(configKey,IConfigKey)

    def __call__(self, propertyMap, configKey, targetObj):

        serviceArea = parentProviding(targetObj, IServiceArea)

        def create():
            factory = lookup(serviceArea, FactoryFor(self.configKey))

            if factory is NOT_FOUND:
                return factory

            instance = factory()
            binding.suggestParentComponent(serviceArea, None, instance)
            return instance

        return serviceArea.getService(self.configKey, create)

class ConfigMap(Component):

    rules = depth = keyIndex = lockedNamespaces = Make(dict)


    def registerProvider(self, configKey, provider):
        """Register 'provider' under 'configKey'"""

        for key,depth in adapt(configKey, IConfigKey).registrationKeys():

            if self.depth.get(key,depth)>=depth:
                # The new provider is at least as good as the one we have
                lockedNamespaces = self.lockedNamespaces
                ckey = adapt(key, IConfigKey)
                for k in ckey.parentKeys():
                    if k in lockedNamespaces:
                        raise AlreadyRead(
                            "A namespace containing %r "
                            "has already been examined" % (configKey,)
                for k in ckey.parentKeys():
                    self.keyIndex.setdefault(k,{})[ckey] = True
                _setCellInDict(self.rules, key, provider)

    def _configKeysMatching(self, configKey):

        """Iterable over defined keys that match 'configKey'

        A key 'k' in the map is considered to "match" 'configKey' if any of
        'k.parentKeys()' are listed as keys in 'configKey.registrationKeys()'.
        You must not change the configuration map while iterating over the
        keys.  Also, keep in mind that only explicitly-registered keys are
        returned; for instance, load-on-demand rules will only show up as
        wildcard keys."""

        index = self._getBinding('keyIndex')

        if not index:

        for key,depth in adapt(configKey,IConfigKey).registrationKeys():
            self.lockedNamespaces[key] = True
            for k in index.get(key,()):
                yield k

    def _getConfigData(self, forObj, configKey):

        """Look up the requested value"""

        rules  = self.rules
        value  = NOT_FOUND
        xRules = []

        for name in configKey.lookupKeys():

            rule = rules.get(name)

            if rule is None:
                xRules.append(name)     # track unspecified rules

            elif rule is not _emptyRuleCell:

                value = rule.get()(self, configKey, forObj)

                if value is not NOT_FOUND:

        # ensure that unspecified rules stay that way, if they
        # haven't been replaced in the meanwhile by a higher-level
        # wildcard rule

        for name in xRules:

        return value

def Value(v):
    """Return an 'IRule' that always returns 'v'"""
    return lambda *args: v

class LazyRule(object):

    loadNeeded = True

    def __init__(self, loadFunc, prefix='*', **kw):
        self.load = loadFunc
        self.prefix = prefix

    def __call__(self, propertyMap, propName, targetObj):

        if self.loadNeeded:

                self.loadNeeded = False
                return self.load(propertyMap, self.prefix, propName)

                del self.loadNeeded

        return NOT_FOUND

from peak.naming.interfaces import IState

class NamingStateAsSmartProperty(protocols.Adapter):

        instancesProvide = [ISmartProperty],
        asAdapterForProtocols = [IState],

    def computeProperty(self, propertyMap, name, prefix, suffix, targetObject):

        from peak.naming.factories.config_ctx import PropertyPath
        from peak.naming.factories.config_ctx import PropertyContext

        ctx = PropertyContext(targetObject,
            creationParent = targetObject,
            nameInContext = PropertyPath(prefix[:-1]), # strip any trailing '.'

        result = self.subject.restore(ctx, PropertyPath(suffix))

        rule = adapt(result, ISmartProperty, None)
        if rule is not None:
            result = rule.computeProperty(
                propertyMap, name, prefix, suffix, targetObject

        return result

class IniLoader(Configurable):

    """Component that lazily loads its configuration from .ini file(s)"""


    def __instance_offers__(self,d,a):
        pm = d[a] = ConfigMap(self)
        return pm

    __instance_offers__ = Make(__instance_offers__,
        offerAs=[IConfigurable], uponAssembly = True

    iniFiles = Require("Sequence of filenames/URLs/factories to load")

    def setupDefaults(self, propertyMap):
        """Set up 'propertyMap' with default contents loaded from 'iniFiles'"""

        for file in self.iniFiles:
            if isinstance(file,tuple):
                # XXX do we really want to continue supporting this, now that
                # XXX you can call pkgFile directly?
                file = packageFile(*file)
            config.loadConfigFile(propertyMap, file)

    def getObjectInstance(klass, context, refInfo, name, attrs=None):
        return klass(iniFiles = refInfo.addresses)

    getObjectInstance = classmethod(getObjectInstance)

class ServiceArea(Configurable):

    """Component that acts as a home for "global"-ish services"""


    __services = binding.Make('peak.util.EigenData:EigenDict')

    def getService(self,ruleKey,factory):
        return self.__services.get(ruleKey,NOT_FOUND,factory=factory)

class ConfigurationRoot(IniLoader, ServiceArea):

    """Default implementation for a configuration root.

    If you think you want to subclass this, you're probably wrong.  Note that
    you can have whatever setup code you want, called automatically from .ini
    files loaded by this class.  We recommend you try that approach first."""


    iniFiles = ( packageFile('peak','peak.ini'), )

    def noMoreValues(self,root,configKey,forObj):

    def nameNotFound(self,root,name,forObj):
        return naming.lookup(forObj, name, creationParent=forObj)

class Namespace(object):
    """Traverse to another property namespace

    Use this in .ini files (e.g. '__main__.* = config.Namespace("environ.*")')
    to create a rule that looks up undefined properties in another property

    Or, use this as a way to treat a property namespace as a mapping object::

        myNS = config.Namespace("some.prefix", aComponent)
        myNS['spam.bayes']              # property 'some.prefix.spam.bayes'
        myNS.get('something',default)   # property 'some.prefix.something'

    Or use this in a component class to allow traversing to a property space::

        class MyClass(binding.Component):

            appConfig = binding.Make(

            something = binding.Obtain('appConfig/foo.bar.baz')

    In the example above, 'something' will be the component's value for the
    property 'MyClass.conf.foo.bar.baz'.  Note that you may not traverse to
    names beginning with an '_', and traversing to the name 'get' will give you
    the namespace's 'get' method, not the 'get' property in the namespace.  To
    obtain the 'get' property, or properties beginning with '_', you must use
    the mapping style of access, as shown above.

    NOTE: By default, 'Namespace' instances cache every key that's looked up in
    them.  If you are holding a reference to a namespace, and you expect an
    unbounded number of potential lookups, do not want references held to the
    results, or are looking up dynamically changing or dynamically created
    properties, you should disable caching via the 'cache=False' keyword arg."""

    def __init__(self, prefix, target=NOT_GIVEN, cache=True):
        self._prefix = PropertyName(prefix).asPrefix()
        self._target = target
        self._cache = cache; self._data = {}

    def __call__(self, suffix):
        """Return a sub-namespace for 'suffix'"""
        return self.__class__(

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if not attr.startswith('_'):
            ob = self.get(attr, NOT_FOUND)
            if ob is not NOT_FOUND:
                if self._cache and not hasattr(self.__class__,attr):
                    setattr(self,attr,ob)   # Cache for future use
                return ob
        raise AttributeError,attr

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Return the value of property 'key' within this namespace"""
        ob = self.get(key,NOT_FOUND)
        if ob is not NOT_FOUND:
            return ob
        raise KeyError,key

    def get(self,key,default=None):
        """Return property 'key' within this namespace, or 'default'"""

        if self._target is not NOT_GIVEN:
            if key in self._data:                
                return self._data[key]

            result = lookup(
            if self._cache and result is not default:
                self._data[key] = result
            return result

        return default

    def __repr__(self):
        return "config.Namespace(%r,%r)" % (self._prefix,self._target)

    def keys(self):

        items = []

        if self._target is not NOT_GIVEN:

            prel = len(self._prefix)
            append = items.append
            yielded = {}

            for key in iterKeys(self._target,self._prefix+'*'):
                key = key[prel:]
                if key.endswith('?'):
                    key = key[:-1]
                elif key.endswith('*'):
                if key not in yielded:

        return items

class __NamespaceExtensions(protocols.Adapter):

        instancesProvide = [ISmartProperty, IAttachable, IRecipe],
        asAdapterForTypes = [Namespace]

    def computeProperty(self, propertyMap, name, prefix, suffix, targetObject):
        return config.lookup(
            targetObject, self.subject._prefix+suffix, default=NOT_FOUND

    def setParentComponent(self, parentComponent, componentName=None,

        pc = self.subject._target

        if pc is NOT_GIVEN:
            self.subject._target = parentComponent

        elif suggest:

        raise AlreadyRead(
            "%r already has target %r; tried to set %r"
                % (self.subject,pc,parentComponent)

    def __call__(self,client,instDict,attrName):
        subject = self.subject
        return subject.__class__(subject._prefix[:-1], client, subject._cache)


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