[Subversion] / PEAK / src / peak / peak.ini  

View of /PEAK/src/peak/peak.ini

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Revision: 1629 - (download)
Sat Jan 24 00:07:51 2004 UTC (20 years, 3 months ago) by pje
File size: 17323 byte(s)
DDT has landed!  See CHANGES.txt and peak.ddt.demos for more info.

# This section defines how special '[section name]' sections will be parsed.
# If a section name contains inner spaces, it is looked up here by lowercasing
# it, and converting contiguous whitespace to '.'.  The returned object or
# function must implement config.ISettingParser.  This essentially makes .ini
# syntax extensible, at least with regard to how the contents of name=value
# pairs are interpreted.  Later in the file, we'll see uses of each of the
# following section headers.

load.settings.from   = "peak.config.ini_files.do_include"
import.on.demand     = "peak.config.ini_files.import_on_demand"
component.factories  = "peak.config.ini_files.register_factory"
load.on.demand       = "peak.config.ini_files.load_on_demand"

# "Provide Utilities" is DEPRECATED
provide.utilities    = "peak.config.ini_files.provide_utility"


# This section defines the types of data that can be used in
# "[Load Settings From]" sections.  Each entry is either the loading function
# to be used, or an import string specifying the loading function.  Loading
# functions must conform to the 'config.ISettingLoader' interface.

file    = "peak.config.ini_files:loadConfigFile"
files   = "peak.config.ini_files:loadConfigFiles"
mapping = "peak.config.ini_files:loadMapping"

[Load on Demand]

# Settings in load-on-demand sections are evaluated once and *only* once,
# when a property under their namespace isn't found.  The code is expected to
# load property settings into the supplied 'propertyMap', and return the value
# for property 'propertyName', if found.  It's safe to simply return NOT_FOUND,
# in which case the configuration machinery will check to see if a new rule was
# loaded for the desired property.
# Again, note that the code is only run *once*, *ever*.  It doesn't get a
# 'targetObj' because it's intended to load rules that will be used in place of
# itself thereafter.  So load-on-demand sections are only useful for loading
# other rules, within a prescribed property namespace.

peak.running.cluster.* =

            propertyMap, '__main__.CLUSTER', default=None
        ruleName, propertyName,

[Import on Demand]

# Import-on-demand sections let you define shortcut names for modules that will
# then be automatically imported when a configuration rule uses the shortcut.

# For example, the following rule defines 'web_templates' as a shortcut for
# importing 'peak.web.templates'.  From that point on (in this file and any
# files included into this one), using 'web_templates' in an expression will
# refer to the "lazy import" of the 'peak.web.templates' module.  The module
# will not actually be imported until an expression using it is *executed*,
# which may not happen if the expression isn't needed by the running app.

web_templates = "peak.web.templates"
os = "os"
cursfmts = "peak.storage.cursor_formatters"
run_sched = "peak.running.scheduler"
twisted_support = "peak.events.twisted_support"
io_events = "peak.events.io_events"
ddt = "peak.ddt.api"

# Shortcuts defined in a file are carried over to files that are loaded from
# within the file.  But the reverse is not true: included files cannot define
# shortcuts that affect the including file.  This keeps you from having to
# trace every included file to find out where a definition is coming from.


# Default services, protocols, and options for 'peak.web' applications

appLog         = naming.LinkRef('logger:peak.web.app')
defaultMethod  = 'index_html'
resourcePrefix = '++resources++'

pathProtocol  = web.IWebTraversable
pageProtocol  = web.IWebPage
errorProtocol = web.IWebException

# Configuration file to load for "root" resource directories
resourceDefaultsIni = config.fileNearModule('peak.web','resource_defaults.ini')

# Local configuration file in *each* resource directory, if present
resourceConfigFile  = 'resources.ini'

# Factory to use for package resource directories
packageResourceFactory = importString("peak.web.resources:ResourceDirectory")

# The default request classes used for each HTTP variant
HTTPRequest    = importString('peak.web.requests.HTTPRequest')
BrowserRequest = importString('peak.web.requests.BrowserRequest')
XMLRPCRequest  = importString('peak.web.requests.XMLRPCRequest')


# Property names with true values under this namespace indicate packages that
# are safe to publish resources from, e.g.:
#   peak.* = True
# would allow any data files in any peak.* package to be downloadable.  Be
# careful what you define here.


# "built-in" DOMlet classes for peak.web; you can add your own per-app

text   = web_templates.Text
xml    = web_templates.XML

list   = web_templates.List
url.*  = web_templates.URLTag

notag      = web_templates.TaglessElement
text.notag = web_templates.TaglessText
xml.notag  = web_templates.TaglessXML

default = web.DefaultLayer()

default = web.Skin(layerNames=['default'])


initialContextFactory = "peak.naming.contexts:EmptyContext"
creationParent  = None
schemeParser    = None


# Import name mappings for naming system object factories.
# By default, any property name under peak.naming.factories returns itself,
# minus the peak.naming.factories prefix.

* = ruleSuffix


# This section defines naming context factories or URL.Base subclasses to
# be used for various URL schemes.  The entry name is the URL scheme, and
# the value is either the object or an import string for loading it.

import  = "peak.naming.factories.peak_imports:importContext"
smtp    = "peak.naming.factories.smtp:smtpURL"
uuid    = "peak.naming.factories.uuid:uuidURL"
nis     = "peak.naming.factories.nisns:nisURLContext"
config  = "peak.naming.factories.config_ctx:PropertyContext"

ldap    = "peak.storage.LDAP:ldapURL"
sybase  = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL"
pgsql   = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL"
psycopg = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL"
mockdb  = "peak.storage.SQL:GenericSQL_URL"
gadfly  = "peak.storage.SQL:GadflyURL"
sqlite  = "peak.storage.SQL:SqliteURL"
cxoracle = "peak.storage.SQL:OracleURL"
dcoracle2 = "peak.storage.SQL:OracleURL"

logfile = "peak.running.logs:logfileURL"
logging.logger = "peak.running.logs:peakLoggerContext"
logger = "peak.running.logs:peakLoggerContext"
timer = "peak.running.timers:TimerContext"

lockfile     = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL"
nulllockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL"
shlockfile   = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL"
flockfile    = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL"
winflockfile = "peak.running.lockfiles:lockfileURL"
win32.dde    = "peak.storage.DDE:ddeURL"

http    = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL"
ftp     = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL"
https   = "peak.naming.factories.openable:OpenableURL"
file    = "peak.naming.factories.openable:FileURL"
pkgfile = "peak.naming.factories.openable:PkgFileURL"
fd.file   = "peak.naming.factories.openable.fdURL"

icb       = "peak.net.icb:ICB_URL"
tcp       = "peak.net.sockets.tcpudpURL"
udp       = "peak.net.sockets.tcpudpURL"
unix      = "peak.net.sockets.unixURL"
unix.dg   = "peak.net.sockets.unixURL"
fd.socket = "peak.net.sockets.fdURL"

zconfig.schema = "peak.config.load_zconfig:ZConfigSchemaContext"
shellcmd       = "peak.naming.factories.shellcmd:ShellCommandCtx"


horiz	= cursfmts.cursorToHoriz
vert	= cursfmts.cursorToVert
plain	= cursfmts.cursorToPlain
repr	= cursfmts.cursorToRepr
ldif	= cursfmts.cursorToLDIF
copy	= cursfmts.cursorToCopy
csv	= cursfmts.cursorToCSV
csv.*	= lambda rs=ruleSuffix,*a,**kw: cursfmts.cursorToCSV(dialect=rs,*a,**kw)
html	= cursfmts.cursorToHTML

# defaults

sql	= cursfmts.cursorToHoriz
ldap	= cursfmts.cursorToLDIF

# Data type conversion for database drivers

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')

* = config.Namespace('peak.sql_types')


# Functions that can generate objects or code from MOF models

peak.model  = "peak.model.mof2py:MOFGenerator.externalize"
outline     = "peak.model.mof2py:MOFOutline.externalize"
fileset     = "peak.model.mof2py:MOFFileSet.externalize"


# Metamodels to be used when loading XMI files - if you discover a usage
# of one of these "in the wild" that doesn't match up on the left hand side
# here, please let us know.

UML.1.3               = importString('peak.metamodels:UML13')
UML.1.4               = importString('peak.metamodels.UML14:UML')
Model.1.3             = importString('peak.metamodels:MOF131')
org.omg.mof.Model.1.3 = importString('peak.metamodels:MOF131')
peak.tests.MailModel  = importString('peak.storage.tests:xmi')


# Stop the main loop when any of these signals occur
mainLoop.stopOnSignals = 'SIGINT', 'SIGTERM', 'SIGBREAK'

# This setting only affects the 'UntwistedReactor'
reactor.checkInterval = 3600    # if no scheduled tasks, do 1 select/hour

timers.cpu     = importString('time.clock')
timers.elapsed =
        # On Windows, 'clock' measures elapsed time w/more precision
        importString('sys.platform')=='win32' and 'time.clock' or 'time.time'


# Shortcut names for 'peak' bootstrap script - supplied values must
# implement the 'running.IExecutable' interface; see the interface docs
# for details.

# 'runIni' launches an interpreter that expects a file formatted like this
# one, with an 'IExecutable' in its 'peak.running.app' property.
runIni = commands.IniInterpreter

# 'CGI' runs its next argument by looking it up and adapting it to an
# IRerunnableCGI; shortcut names may be used.
CGI = commands.CGIInterpreter

# 'ZConfig' loads its next command line argument (a URL or filename) as a
# ZConfig schema, that then loads the next command line argument as a ZConfig
# data file that follows the specified schema.
ZConfig = commands.ZConfigInterpreter

# 'EventDriven' runs a 'running.commands.EventDriven' application, configured
# via a ZConfig file using the 'peak.runnning/EventDriven.xml' schema.  This
# only supports PEAK built-in task types, so if you add your own task types
# you'll need to create a new schema and have it extend EventDriven.xml.
EventDriven =

# These are just cute emulations of '/bin/true' and '/bin/false';
# of course they're *much* slower than the real ones!
true = lambda: 0
false = lambda: 1

# Run peak's unit tests
test = commands.TestRunner

# PEAK's Namespace Navigator
n2 = importString('peak.tools.n2.main:N2')

# PEAK API help
help = importString('peak.tools.api_help:APIHelp')

# 'supervise' multiprocess manager
supervise =

# 'FastCGI' port listener
FastCGI = importString('peak.tools.supervisor.fastcgi:FCGITemplateCommand')

# PEAK versioning tool

version-config =
        command = [

# 'ddt' document-driven testing

ddt = importString('peak.ddt.runners:HTMLRunner')

[Component Factories]

# "Component Factories" sections define utilities by mapping from an import
# string for an interface (or other configuration key), to an expression
# that returns the factory (or an import string thereof).

# Factories described here are not actually registered with the configuration
# map until the module named on the left side of the '=' is first imported.  If
# the module is already imported when a "Component Factories" section is
# processed, then registration takes place immediately.

# Keys listed here are registered twice, like this:
#   key = importString(key)
#   pMap.registerProvider(config.FactoryFor(key), config.ruleForExpr(value))
#   pMap.registerProvider(key, config.CreateViaFactory(key))

# This means that looking up a key listed here will use a 'CreateViaFactory'
# rule to invoke the factory once and return that result for all subsequent
# lookups.  Looking up 'config.FactoryFor(key)' will return the factory listed
# here on the right side of the '=' sign.  Thus, using 'binding.Make(key)' will
# create a private instance of the desired component, and 'binding.Obtain(key)'
# will retrieve a shared instance.

# Note, by the way, that the items named on the left of the '=' do not have to
# be interfaces, although that is the most common usage.  They may be any
# object that supports 'config.IConfigKey'.

peak.running.timers.ITimerService   = 'peak.running.timers.TimerService'
peak.running.timers.ITimer          = 'peak.running.timers.Timer'

peak.web.interfaces.IAuthService    = web.NullAuthenticationService
peak.web.interfaces.IWebInteraction = web.Interaction
peak.web.interfaces.ISkinService    = web.SkinService
peak.web.interfaces.ILayerService   = web.LayerService

peak.storage.interfaces.ITransactionService =

peak.running.interfaces.ITaskQueue      = 'peak.running.daemons.TaskQueue'
peak.running.interfaces.ISignalManager  = 'peak.running.process.SignalManager'
peak.running.interfaces.IMainLoop       = run_sched.MainLoop

peak.events.interfaces.ISignalSource = io_events.SignalEvents

peak.events.interfaces.IEventLoop    =

peak.events.interfaces.ISelector     =

peak.events.interfaces.IScheduler    =

peak.running.interfaces.IBasicReactor   =

peak.running.interfaces.ITwistedReactor =
    # Force Twisted to be used, or else get an error
    events.makeTwisted(targetObj) and twisted_support.getTwisted

peak.ddt.interfaces.IDocumentProcessor =


# Routing for peak-supplied log messages - default is to log WARNING or
# higher to 'sys.stderr'

* = logs.LogStream(stream=importString('sys.stderr'), levelName='WARNING')


# Log level names.  Use '?' on the end of names that should not be used when
# converting a level number to a level name.

TRACE    = 0
ALL?     = 0
DEBUG    = 10
INFO     = 20
NOTICE   = 25
ERROR    = 40
ALERT    = 60
EMERG    = 70

[Component Factories]

peak.running.logs.ILogEvent         = logs.Event
peak.running.logs.ILoggingService   = logs.DefaultLoggingService

* = ddt.AbstractProcessor
Summary = ddt.SummaryProcessor
ArithmeticFixture = importString('peak.ddt.demos:ArithmeticDemo')
ArithmeticColumnFixture = importString('peak.ddt.demos:ArithmeticDemo')

# The '__main__' namespace will be used by PEAK for global settings that
# can be set either in the application's main startup script (i.e. the
# Python '__main__' module) or the environment.  The following rule
# sets up a fallback from the '__main__' namespace to the 'environ'
# namespace, so that anything not supplied by the startup script will
# be supplied by the environment.

* = config.Namespace('environ.*')

[Load Settings From]
# "Load Settings From" sections are processed in-line to load settings from
# other sources.  'file=' entries act like "include" operations, loading
# configuration files in the same format.  'mapping=' entries load Python
# mapping objects.  The first argument is the filename or mapping object,
# respectively, and the second argument, if present, is a prefix to be used
# on property names found in the specified mapping or file.
# Note that "Load Settings From" sections are executed at the point where they
# appear in the file, and a snapshot of the data source is taken at that time.
# If a data source (file, mapping, etc.) changes later, it will have no effect
# on the settings that were already loaded, although you can always load the
# settings again (assuming none of them have been used yet).
# In this section of peak.ini, we initialize the 'environ.*' namespace from
# Python's 'os.environ' mapping, and the '__main__.*' namespace from the
# '__main__' (startup) module's dictionary.  Finally, we load the configuration
# file(s) specified by '__main__.PEAK_CONFIG', which allows a script to simply
# set PEAK_CONFIG to specify its main configuration file, or if not set, it
# will fall back to the PEAK_CONFIG environment variable.

mapping = os.environ, 'environ.*'
mapping = importString('__main__').__dict__, '__main__.*'

files   =
        propertyMap, '__main__.PEAK_CONFIG', default=''


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