[Subversion] / PEAK / src / peak / running / tools / version / config.py  

View of /PEAK/src/peak/running/tools/version/config.py

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Revision: 1374 - (download) (as text)
Sat Aug 30 20:37:37 2003 UTC (20 years, 7 months ago) by pje
File size: 15422 byte(s)
Added new 'version' tool that automatically edits files to update version
information in them.  Just execute the 'version' file in the main PEAK
source directory.  (Use '--help' for help.)  You can use this tool with your
own projects by creating 'version' and 'version.dat' files in your project
directory, similar to the ones used by PEAK.  The 'version' file is a ZConfig
file that describes your project's version numbering scheme(s), formats,
and the files that need to be edited, while the 'version.dat' file contains
the current version number values.  Source for the tool, including the
configuration file schema, is in the 'peak.running.tools.version' package.
(Error handling and documentation, alas, are still minimal.)

Also, bumped PEAK version stamps to 0.5a3, using the new tool.  (Yay!)
from peak.api import *
from shlex import shlex
from cStringIO import StringIO
from peak.storage.files import EditableFile
from peak.util.FileParsing import AbstractConfigParser
from peak.util.imports import importObject
safe_globals = {'__builtins__':{}}

class IPartDef(protocols.Interface):

    name = protocols.Attribute(
        """Name of the part"""

    independent = protocols.Attribute(
        """If true, part should not be reset when a parent is incremented"""

    def incr(value):
        """Return the successor of value"""

    def reset(value):
        """Return the reset of value"""

    def asNumeral(value):
        """Return the value as a numeral (used for optional/remap formats)"""

    def validate(value):
        """Return the internal form of the string 'value', or raise error"""

class IFormat(protocols.Interface):

    def compute(version):
        """Return the formatted value of 'version' for this format"""

def tokenize(s):
    return list(iter(shlex(StringIO(s)).get_token,''))

def unquote(s):
    if s.startswith('"') or s.startswith("'"):
        s = s[1:-1]
    return s

PART_FACTORIES   = PropertyName('version-tool.partKinds')
FORMAT_FACTORIES = PropertyName('version-tool.formatKinds')

class Digit(binding.Component):

        instancesProvide = [IPartDef]

    name = binding.requireBinding("Name of the part")

    def independent(self,d,a):
        for arg in self.args:
            if unquote(arg).lower()=='independent':
                return True
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unrecognized option %r in %r" % (arg,self.cmd)
        return False

    independent = binding.Once(independent, suggestParent=False)

    start = 0
    args = ()
    cmd = ""

    def incr(self, value):
        return value+1

    def reset(self, value):
        return self.start

    def validate(self, value):
        return int(value)

    def asNumeral(self,value):
        return self.validate(value)

class Count(Digit):
    start = 1

class Choice(Digit):

    choices = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a: [unquote(arg) for arg in self.args]

    choiceMap = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a: dict(
            zip([c.strip().lower() for c in self.choices],

    independent = False

    def incr(self, value):
        pos = self.choices.index(self.validate(value)) + 1
        if pos>=len(self.choices):
            raise ValueError("Can't increment %s past %r" % (self.name,value))
        return self.choices[pos]

    def reset(self, value):
        return self.choices[self.start]

    def asNumeral(self, value):
        value = value.lower().strip()
            return self.choiceMap[value]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid %s %r: must be one of %r" %
                (self.name, value, self.choices)

    def validate(self, value):
        return self.choices[self.asNumeral(value)]

class Timestamp(Digit):

    independent = True

    def incr(self, value):
        from time import time
        return time()

    def reset(self, value):
        raise ValueError("Timestamp values don't reset") # XXX

    def asNumeral(self, value):
        return float(value)

    def validate(self, value):
        raise ValueError("Can't set timestamp values directly yet") # XXX

class StringFormat(binding.Component):

        instancesProvide = [IFormat]

    args = ()
    cmd = ""
    name = binding.requireBinding("Name of the format")

    def format(self,d,a):
            fmt, = self.args
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "%s: missing or multiple format strings in %r" %
                (self.name, self.cmd)
            return unquote(fmt)

    format = binding.Once(format)

    def compute(self, version):
        return self.format % version

class Remap(StringFormat):

    scheme = binding.bindTo('..')

    def splitArgs(self,d,a):
        args = [unquote(arg) for arg in self.args]
        if not args:
            raise ValueError(
                "%s: remap without field name or values" % self.name
        return args[0], args[1:]

    splitArgs = binding.Once(splitArgs)

    what = binding.Once(lambda self,d,a: self.splitArgs[0])
    fmts = binding.Once(lambda self,d,a: self.splitArgs[1])

    def compute(self, version):
        value = version[self.what]
        if self.what in self.scheme.partMap:
            value = self.scheme.partMap[self.what].asNumeral(value)
        return self.getFormat(value) % version

    def getFormat(self, value):
            return self.fmts[value]
        except IndexError:
            return ""

class Optional(Remap):

    def splitFormats(self,d,a):

        fmts = self.fmts

        if fmts:
            return (fmts+[''])[:1]

        # Default formats are the value or an empty string
        return ('%%(%s)s' % self.what), ''

    splitFormats = binding.Once(splitFormats)

    trueFormat = binding.Once(lambda self,d,a: self.splitFormats[0])
    falseFormat = binding.Once(lambda self,d,a: self.splitFormats[1])

    def getFormat(self, value):
        if value:
            return self.trueFormat
        return self.falseFormat

class DateFormat(Remap):

    def format(self,d,a):

            fmt, = self.fmts
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "%s: too many formats in %r" % (self.name, self.cmd)
        return fmt

    format = binding.Once(format)

    def compute(self,version):
        from datetime import datetime
        value = datetime.fromtimestamp(version[self.what])
        return value.strftime(self.format)

class VersionStore(EditableFile, AbstractConfigParser):
    """Simple writable config file for version data"""

    txnAttrs = EditableFile.txnAttrs + ('parsedData',)

    def add_setting(self, section, name, value, lineInfo):
        self.data.setdefault(section,{})[name] = eval(

    def parsedData(self,d,a):
        self.data = {}
        if self.text:
            self.readString(self.text, self.filename)
        return self.data

    parsedData = binding.Once(parsedData)

    def getVersion(self,name):
            return self.parsedData[name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing version info for %r in %s" % (name,self.filename)

    def setVersion(self,name,data):
        self.parsedData[name] = data
        self.text = ''.join(
                ("[%s]\n%s\n" %
                            [("%s = %r\n" % (kk,vv)) for kk,vv in v.items()]
                for k,v in self.parsedData.items()

class Scheme(binding.Component):

    name = binding.bindTo('_name')
    _name = None

    parts = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a: [self.makePart(txt) for txt in self.partDefs],
        doc = "IPartDefs of the versioning scheme"

    formats = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a: dict(
                for (name,txt) in self.formatDefs.items()
        doc = "dictionary of IFormat objects"

    partDefs = binding.requireBinding("list of part definition directives")
    formatDefs = binding.requireBinding("dictionary of format directives")

    defaultFormat = None

    partMap = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a: dict([(part.name,part) for part in self.parts])

    def __getitem__(self,key):
            return self.partMap[key]
        except KeyError:
            return self.formats[key]

    def incr(self,data,part):

        d = data.copy()
        partsIter = iter(self.parts)
        for p in partsIter:
            if p.name == part:
                d[part] = p.incr(d[part])
            return d

        # Reset digits to the right of the incremented digit

        for p in partsIter:
            if not p.independent:
                d[p.name] = p.reset(d[p.name])

        return d

    def makePart(self, directive):

        args = tokenize(directive)
        partName = args.pop(0)

        if args:
            typeName = PropertyName.fromString(args.pop(0).lower())
            typeName = 'digit'

        factory = importObject(PART_FACTORIES.of(self).get(typeName,None))

        if factory is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unrecognized part kind %r in %r" % (typeName,directive)
        return factory(self, name=partName, args = args, cmd=directive)

    def makeFormat(self, name, directive):

        args = tokenize(directive)
        format = args[0]
        if format != unquote(format):
            format = 'string'
            format = PropertyName.fromString(format.lower())

        factory = importObject(FORMAT_FACTORIES.of(self).get(format,None))

        if factory is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unrecognized format kind %r in %r for format %r" %
        return factory(self, name=name, args = args, cmd=directive)

class Version(binding.Component):

    data = _cache = binding.New(dict)
    scheme = binding.requireBinding("Versioning scheme")

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        cache = self._cache
        if key in cache:
            value = cache[key]
            if value is NOT_FOUND:
                raise ValueError("Recursive attempt to compute %r" % key)
            return cache[key]

        data = self.data
        if key in data:
            value = cache[key] = data[key]
            return value

        cache[key] = NOT_FOUND
            scheme = self.scheme
            if key in scheme.formats:
                value = cache[key] = scheme.formats[key].compute(self)
            return value
            del cache[key]

        raise KeyError, key

    def withIncr(self, part):
        return self.__class__(
            self.getParentComponent(), self.getComponentName(),
            data   = self.scheme.incr(self.data, part),
            scheme = self.scheme

    def withParts(self, partItems):

        scheme = self.scheme
        data = self.data.copy()

        for k,v in partItems:
            if k in scheme.partDefs:
                data[k] = scheme[k].validate(v)
                raise KeyError("Version has no part %r" % k)

        return self.__class__(
            self.getParentComponent(), self.getComponentName(),
            data = data, scheme = scheme

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.data, other)

    def __str__(self):
        fmt = self.scheme.defaultFormat
        if fmt:
            return self[fmt]
        return '[%s]' % ', '.join(
            [('%s=%r' % (p.name, self[p.name])) for p in self.scheme.parts]

def getFormats(section):
    return section.formats

class Module(binding.Component):

    """A versionable entity, comprising files that need version strings"""

    name = binding.requireBinding('name of this module')
    editors = binding.requireBinding('list of Editors to use')

    schemeName = 'default'
    schemeMap = binding.bindTo('../schemeMap')
    versionStore = binding.bindTo('../versionStore')

    def versionScheme(self,d,a):
            return self.schemeMap[self.schemeName.lower()]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unrecognized version scheme '%r'" % self.schemeName
    versionScheme = binding.Once(versionScheme)

    currentVersion = binding.Once(
        lambda self,d,a:
                scheme = self.versionScheme,
                data =   self.versionStore.getVersion(self.name)

    def setVersion(self, partItems):
        old = self.currentVersion
        new = old.withParts(partItems)

    def incrVersion(self, part):
        old = self.currentVersion
        new = old.withIncr(part)

    def checkFiles(self):
        self._editVersion(self.currentVersion, self.currentVersion)

    def _editVersion(self, old, new):
        for editor in self.editors:
        if old<>new:
            self.currentVersion = new
            self.versionStore.setVersion(self.name, new.data)

class Editor(binding.Component):

    """Thing that applies a set of edits to a set of files"""

    filenames = binding.requireBinding('sequence of filenames to edit')

    files = binding.Once(
        lambda s,d,a: [EditableFile(s,f,filename=f) for f in s.filenames]

    edits = edits2 = binding.requireBinding('list of IEdit instances to apply')

    def editVersion(self, old, new):
        for file in self.files:
            text = file.text
            if text is None:
                raise ValueError("File %s does not exist" % file.filename)

            posn = 0
            buffer = []
            for edit in self.edits:
                posn = edit.editVersion(
                    text, posn, old, new, buffer.append, file.filename

            file.text = ''.join(buffer)

class Match(binding.Component):

    """Thing that finds/updates version strings"""

    matchString = binding.requireBinding('string to match')
    isOptional = False

    def editVersion(self, text, posn, old, new, write, filename):
        old = self.matchString % old
        new = self.matchString % new
        foundOld = text.find(old,posn)
        foundNew = text.find(new,posn)
        if foundOld==-1:
            if foundNew==-1:
                if self.isOptional:
                    return posn
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Couldn't find %r or %r in %s" % (old,new,filename)
                newPosn = foundNew + len(new)
                return newPosn
            newPosn = foundOld + len(old)
            return newPosn

    def fromString(klass, text):
        """ZConfig constructor for 'Match' operator"""

        args = tokenize(text)
        isOptional = (args[0].lower()=='optional')
        if isOptional:

        if not args:
            raise ValueError("No match string defined in %r" % text)
        elif len(args)>1:
            raise ValueError("Too many match strings in %r" % args)

        text, = args

        return klass(matchString=unquote(text), isOptional=isOptional)

    fromString = classmethod(fromString)


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