[Subversion] / PEAK / src / peak / storage / DDE.py  

View of /PEAK/src/peak/storage/DDE.py

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Revision: 1086 - (download) (as text)
Tue May 6 23:33:16 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by pje
File size: 5298 byte(s)
Began work on replacing 'naming.ParsedURL' with a structure type using
'peak.model'.  See 'CHANGES.txt' for a summary of how your ParsedURL
subclasses must be changed.  There is a further refactoring coming,
however, to support simpler parsing mechanisms for complex URL syntaxes,
and to support URLs generating a "canonical form" body part.  This will
be important for robust comparison of URLs, path manipulation, etc.
from peak.api import *

import os, sys, weakref
from time import sleep

class DDEConnectionError(Exception):
    """Problem connecting to a DDE Server"""

class ServerManager(object):

    """This ensures that 'Shutdown()' gets called when the server is GC'd"""

    def __init__(self,name,logger=logs.AbstractLogger(level=logs.EMERG)):
        import win32ui, dde
        server = self.server = dde.CreateServer()
        self.name = name
        self.logger = logger

    def __call__(self, serviceName, topicName):
        import dde
        conn = dde.CreateConversation(self.server)

        self.logger.debug("%s: attempting DDE connection to (%s,%s)",
            self.name, serviceName, topicName

        conn.ConnectTo(serviceName, topicName)
        return conn

    def __del__(self):
        if self.server is not None:
            self.logger.debug("%s: shutting down DDE server", self.name)
            self.server = None

    close = __del__

class ddeURL(naming.ParsedURL):

    """PEAK Win32 DDE URL



    Syntax is 'service::topic' followed by semicolon-separated
    parameters, which may be 'file' to designate a file to be launched
    if the initial connection attempt is unsuccessful, 'retries' to
    indicate how many retries should occur if the initial attempt is
    unsuccessful, and 'sleep' to set the number of seconds to wait between
    retry attempts.

    These parameters are all available as attributes of the same names,
    including 'service' and 'topic'."""

    supportedSchemes = 'win32.dde',

    class service(model.structField):
        referencedType = model.String

    class topic(model.structField):
        referencedType = model.String

    class file(model.structField):
        referencedType = model.String
        defaultValue = None

    class retries(model.structField):
        referencedType = model.Integer
        defaultValue = 10

    class sleep(model.structField):
        referencedType = model.Integer
        defaultValue = 1

    def retrieve(self, refInfo, name, context, attrs=None):
        return DDEConnection(
            context.creationParent, context.creationName,

    def parse(self, scheme, body):

        _l = body.split(';')
        _svct = _l[0].split('::',1)

        if len(_svct)<2:
            raise exceptions.InvalidName("Must contain 'service::topic'", body)

        service, topic = _svct

        _other = dict( [tuple(_x.split('=', 1)) for _x in _l[1:]] )

        for _x in 'retries', 'sleep':
            if _x in _other:
                _other[_x] = int(_other[_x])

        for _x in _other:
            if _x not in ('file','retries','sleep'):
                raise exceptions.InvalidName(
                    "Unrecognized parameter %s=%s" % (_x,_other[_x])

        _other['service'] = service
        _other['topic'] = topic
        return _other

class DDEConnection(storage.ManagedConnection):

    """Managed DDE connection"""

    serviceName = binding.requireBinding("Service name for DDE conversation")
    topicName   = binding.requireBinding("Topic name for DDE conversation")
    launchFile  = None

    retries  = 10
    sleepFor = 1

    logger = binding.bindToProperty('peak.logs.dde')

    def ddeServer(self,d,a):
        return ServerManager(
            # weakref to the logger so that the ServerManager isn't part of
            # a cycle with us (if our logger refers to us)

    ddeServer = binding.Once(ddeServer)

    def __call__(self, requestStr):
        """Issue a DDE request (requestStr -> responseStr)"""
        return self.connection.Request(requestStr)

    def execute(self, commandStr):
        """Execute a DDE command"""
        return self.connection.Exec(commandStr)

    def poke(self, commandStr, data=None):
        """DDE Poke of command string and optional data buffer"""
        return self.connection.Poke(commandStr, data)

    def _open(self):

        attemptedLaunch = False

        for i in range(self.retries+1):

                conn = self.ddeServer(self.serviceName, self.topicName)
                t,v,tb = sys.exc_info()
                if (t,v) != ('error','ConnectTo failed'):
                    del t,v,tb,conn
                return conn

            if attemptedLaunch:
                if self.launchFile:
                    self.logger.debug("%s: launching %s",self,self.launchFile)

                attemptedLaunch = True

            raise DDEConnectionError(
                "ConnectTo failed", self.serviceName, self.topicName

    def _close(self):
        del self.ddeServer  # force shutdown


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