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Sun Sep 3 19:37:44 2006 UTC (17 years, 8 months ago) by pje
File size: 7776 byte(s)
Implement bytecode generation for expressions; this is basically 
equivalent to porting a little more than half of ``dispatch.predicates`` 
from RuleDispatch (specifically, the ``ExprBuilder`` class and related 
node types).
Code Generation from Python Syntax Trees

The ``peak.rules.codegen`` module extends ``peak.util.assembler`` (from the
"BytecodeAssembler" project) with additional AST node types to allow generation
of code for simple Python expressions (i.e., those without lambdas,
comprehensions, generators, or conditionals).  It also provides "builder"
classes that work with the ``peak.rules.ast_builder`` module to generate
expression ASTs from Python source code, thus creating an end-to-end compiler
tool chain.

This document describes the design (and tests the implementation) of the
``codegen`` module.  You don't need to read it unless you want to use
this module directly in your own programs.  If you do want to use it directly,
keep in mind that it inherits the limitations and restrictions of both
``peak.util.assembler`` and ``peak.rules.ast_builder``, so you should consult
the documentation for those tools before proceeding.

AST Generation

To generate an AST from Python code, you need the ``ast_builder.parse_expr()``
function, and the ``codegen.ExprBuilder`` type::

    >>> from peak.rules.ast_builder import parse_expr
    >>> from peak.rules.codegen import ExprBuilder

``ExprBuilder`` instances are created using one or more namespaces.  The first
namespace maps names to arbitrary AST nodes that will be substituted for any
matching names found in an expression.  The second and remaining namespaces
will have their values wrapped in ``Const`` nodes, so they can be used for
constant-folding.  For our examples, we'll define a base namespace containing
arguments named "a" through "g"::

    >>> from peak.util.assembler import Local
    >>> argmap = dict([(name,Local(name)) for name in 'abcdefg'])
    >>> builder = ExprBuilder(argmap, locals(), globals(), __builtins__)

And, for convenience, we'll define a short function to parse and output an
expression's AST using this builder instance::

    >>> def pe(expr):
    ...     print parse_expr(expr, builder)

Names and Constants

Constants are wrapped in BytecodeAsssembler ``Const()`` nodes::

    >>> pe("1")

Names found in the first namespace are mapped to whatever value is in the

    >>> pe("a")

Names found in subsequent namespaces get their values wrapped in ``Const()``

    >>> pe("ExprBuilder")

    >>> pe("isinstance")
    Const(<built-in function isinstance>)

And unfound names produce a compile-time error::

    >>> pe("fubar")
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NameError: fubar


Unary operators::

    >>> pe("not - + ~ `a`")

Attribute access::

    >>> pe("a.b.c")
    Getattr(Getattr(Local('a'), 'b'), 'c')

Simple binary operators::

    >>> pe("a+b")
    Add(Local('a'), Local('b'))
    >>> pe("b-a")
    Sub(Local('b'), Local('a'))
    >>> pe("c*d")
    Mul(Local('c'), Local('d'))
    >>> pe("c/d")
    Div(Local('c'), Local('d'))
    >>> pe("c%d")
    Mod(Local('c'), Local('d'))
    >>> pe("c//d")
    FloorDiv(Local('c'), Local('d'))

    >>> pe("a**b")
    Power(Local('a'), Local('b'))
    >>> pe("a<<b")
    LeftShift(Local('a'), Local('b'))
    >>> pe("a>>b")
    RightShift(Local('a'), Local('b'))

    >>> pe("a[1]")
    Getitem(Local('a'), Const(1))
    >>> pe("a[1][2]")
    Getitem(Getitem(Local('a'), Const(1)), Const(2))

    >>> pe("a&b&c")
    Bitand(Bitand(Local('a'), Local('b')), Local('c'))
    >>> pe("a|b|c")
    Bitor(Bitor(Local('a'), Local('b')), Local('c'))
    >>> pe("a^b^c")
    Bitxor(Bitxor(Local('a'), Local('b')), Local('c'))

List operators::

    >>> pe("a and b")
    And((Local('a'), Local('b')))

    >>> pe("a or b")
    Or((Local('a'), Local('b')))

    >>> pe("a and b and c")
    And((Local('a'), Local('b'), Local('c')))

    >>> pe("a or b or c")
    Or((Local('a'), Local('b'), Local('c')))

    >>> pe("[]")

    >>> pe("[a]")

    >>> pe("[a,b]")
    List((Local('a'), Local('b')))

    >>> pe("()")

    >>> pe("a,")

    >>> pe("a,b")
    Tuple((Local('a'), Local('b')))


    >>> pe("a[:]")
    GetSlice(Local('a'), Pass, Pass)

    >>> pe("a[1:2]")
    GetSlice(Local('a'), Const(1), Const(2))

    >>> pe("a[1:]")
    GetSlice(Local('a'), Const(1), Pass)

    >>> pe("a[:2]")
    GetSlice(Local('a'), Pass, Const(2))

    >>> pe("a[::]")
    Getitem(Local('a'), Const(slice(None, None, None)))

    >>> pe("a[1:2:3]")
    Getitem(Local('a'), Const(slice(1, 2, 3)))

    >>> pe("a[b:c:d]")
    Getitem(Local('a'), BuildSlice(Local('b'), Local('c'), Local('d')))


    >>> pe("a>b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('>', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a>=b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('>=', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a<b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('<', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a<=b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('<=', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a<>b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('!=', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a!=b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('!=', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a==b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('==', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a in b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('in', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a is b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('is', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a not in b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('not in', Local('b')),))
    >>> pe("a is not b")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('is not', Local('b')),))

    >>> pe("a>=b>c")
    Compare(Local('a'), (('>=', Local('b')), ('>', Local('c'))))


    >>> pe("{a:b,c:d}")
    Dict(((Local('a'), Local('b')), (Local('c'), Local('d'))))


    >>> pe("a()")
    Call(Local('a'), (), (), (), (), True)

    >>> pe("a(1,2)")
    Call(Local('a'), (Const(1), Const(2)), (), (), (), True)

    >>> pe("a(1, b=2)")
    Call(Local('a'), (Const(1),), ((Const('b'), Const(2)),), (), (), True)

    >>> pe("a(*b)")
    Call(Local('a'), (), (), Local('b'), (), True)

    >>> pe("a(**c)")
    Call(Local('a'), (), (), (), Local('c'), True)

    >>> pe("a(*b, **c)")
    Call(Local('a'), (), (), Local('b'), Local('c'), True)

Bytecode Generation

AST's generated using ``ExprBuilder`` can be used directly with
BytecodeAssembler ``Code`` objects to generate bytecode, complete with
constant-folding.  Note that the node types not demonstrated below (e.g.
``And``, ``Or``, ``Compare``, ``Call``) are not defined by the ``codegen``
module, but instead are imported from ``peak.util.assembler``::

    >>> from peak.rules.codegen import *
    >>> from peak.util.assembler import Const, Pass

    >>> Minus(1), Plus(2), Not(True), Invert(-1), Repr(4)
    (Const(-1), Const(2), Const(False), Const(0), Const('4'))

    >>> Add(1,2), Sub(3,2), Mul(4,5), Div(10,2), Mod(7,3), FloorDiv(7,3)
    (Const(3), Const(1), Const(20), Const(5), Const(1), Const(2))

    >>> Power(2,3), LeftShift(1,4), RightShift(12,2)
    (Const(8), Const(16), Const(3))

    >>> Getitem(Const([1,2]), 1)

    >>> Bitand(3, 1), Bitor(1,2), Bitxor(3,1)
    (Const(1), Const(3), Const(2))

    >>> Getattr(Const(object), '__class__')
    Const(<type 'type'>)

    >>> Dict([(1,2)])
    Const({1: 2})

    >>> aList = Const([1,2,3,4])

    >>> GetSlice(aList)
    Const([1, 2, 3, 4])
    >>> GetSlice(aList, 1)
    Const([2, 3, 4])
    >>> GetSlice(aList, 1, -1)
    Const([2, 3])
    >>> GetSlice(aList, Pass, -1)
    Const([1, 2, 3])

    >>> BuildSlice(1, 2, 3)
    Const(slice(1, 2, 3))

    >>> BuildSlice(1, 2)
    Const(slice(1, 2, None))

    >>> Tuple([1,2])
    Const((1, 2))

    >>> List([1,2])
    Const([1, 2])


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