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Log of /PEAK/src/peak/binding/_once.pyx

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Revision 1758 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun Jun 20 02:09:00 2004 UTC (19 years, 10 months ago) by pje
File length: 3081 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1328
Drop another module from initial load requirements, by using the Python/C
API for 'threads.get_ident()' instead of importing a Python version from
'peak.util.threads'.  (This may also slightly speed up the initial
computation of attribute bindings, but it's unlikely to be measurable.)

Revision 1328 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Aug 6 22:12:11 2003 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by pje
File length: 3068 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1191
Got rid of bogus equivalance between NOT_FOUND and AttributeError.  We
never used it before, it's counterintuitive, and it makes it impossible
to use the 'subject' attribute in 'peak.web.TraversalContext' when the
target object is NOT_FOUND.

Revision 1191 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Wed Jun 18 18:27:39 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by pje
File length: 3221 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1186
All 'peak.binding' APIs now only accept positional parameters for items
unique to that API.  Items common to multiple APIs (such as 'offerAs',
'doc', 'attrName', etc.) should now be supplied as keyword arguments.

Bindings also now automatically "suggest" the containing object as a parent
component for the contained object, whenever a value is assigned to them or
computed.  If a non-None 'adaptTo' is set on the binding, the value assigned
or computed will be adapted to the specified protocol before the parent
component is suggested.  'binding.New()' no longer relies on the
'IComponentFactory' interface, but instead uses the new adapt/suggest

Previously, parent components were only "suggested" when a binding was set
via component constructor keyword arguments.  Now, this is done at any time
bindings are set, but *not* for non-binding keyword arguments.  In other
words, ordinary attributes of a component do not receive "suggested parent"
notices, even when set via constructor keyword arguments.  If you want an
attribute to do this, you must define the attribute with the binding API;
e.g. via 'requireBinding()' or 'binding.Constant()'.

Revision 1186 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Jun 16 22:01:06 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by pje
File length: 3052 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1185
Fixed up error checking; bindings now can tell again if they're used with
the wrong name in a class that doesn't support them.  But, now they should
also be usable at multiple metalevels without conflict, since the usage
checking only occurs when used in non-supporting classes.  (Don't know what
that means?  Me, either!  It's one of those things that you don't expect
to be a problem, but is.  Or was, now.  I think.  Need to add some tests.)

Revision 1185 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Jun 16 21:37:38 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by pje
File length: 2802 byte(s)
Diff to previous 1076
First phase of descriptor refactoring.  Once bindings now place a proxy for
themselves in a class when activated in that class.  This avoids the need
for Once-derivatives to "copy" themselves when they are found under more
than one name (e.g in the same class or when they are created without a
name initially).  Eventually this will let us do something similar with
model.StructuralFeature objects.  Added hooks to the Once class family to
allow an 'onSet()' method to be called that can alter a value being
setattr'd.  This will let us do automatic 'adapt()' and
'setParentComponent()' when attributes are set or looked up.

Also, simplified the structure of the Pyrex OnceDescriptor base, using
Pyrex 0.7.2's ability to declare C-level attributes visible from Python.
(Previously, we used a custom descriptor to deal with this.)

NOTE: Error checking of bindings is partly BROKEN right now; bindings do
not verify that they haven't been placed in a class that doesn't support
them; they only verify that they have been told what name to use.  This
needs a little review, and the tutorial may need to be adjusted as well.

Revision 1076 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat May 3 13:21:20 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by pje
File length: 3008 byte(s)
Diff to previous 946
Normalized whitespace.

Revision 946 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Mar 31 16:59:24 2003 UTC (21 years, 1 month ago) by pje
File length: 3020 byte(s)
Diff to previous 926
Updated to use Pyrex version 0.6.1, which now handles descriptor methods
correctly and can build pure-C source that works with the mingw32 distutils
compiler.  PEAK's Pyrex source files can now be built by 0.6.1 without
special patches to either PEAK or Pyrex.  Hurray for Pyrex, and its author,
Greg Ewing!

Revision 926 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Feb 24 20:31:44 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by pje
File length: 2907 byte(s)
Diff to previous 923
Made Once attributes thread-safe, to a point.  While a "once" attribute is
being calculated, a special "lock" object is placed in the object's
dictionary.  This object just holds the thread ID of the calculating
thread.  If a re-entrant access to the attribute is made, the lock's ID is
checked for whether it's the same thread.  If it's the same thread, an
error is raised indicating that the attribute has a circular definition.
If it's not the same thread, the current thread pretends the value hasn't
been computed yet, and tries to compute it.

Note that in cases where the underlying once function and object are
properly constructed, this may occasionally result in two threads doing
the same work to calculate the attribute, but the results are always
the same.  In cases where the once function actually refers back to itself,
it's possible for competing threads to keep stealing the lock from each
other and thus never terminate.  Well, actually, you'll get a recursion
depth error on both threads, eventually.  So the limitations of this guard
technique should be quite acceptable for the intended uses of once
bindings, especially since this protection is really intended for class
attributes such as 'peak.model' metadata, not instance attributes.  Classes
*have* to be sharable between threads; instances rarely need to be.

Revision 923 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Mon Feb 24 01:48:39 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by pje
File length: 2014 byte(s)
Diff to previous 919
Retrieving an already-computed Once binding is now only 15% slower than
access to a regular Python new-style attribute or slot, at least on my
Windows machine.  I think Once is now tuned enough; next it needs thread
safety for the actual computation, and variant versions to be used for
structural feature computations.

Revision 919 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sun Feb 23 14:42:14 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by pje
File length: 1842 byte(s)
Diff to previous 917
Fixed a performance problem with binding.Once introduced by my correctness
fix.  Apparently, if speed is your aim, you should not use module-level
variables in Pyrex to hold imported items.  Instead, define 'cdef' global
variables for them, and then assign the imported items to them.  'cdef'
vars don't require a dictionary lookup for access.

Revision 917 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Modified Sat Feb 22 16:21:48 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by pje
File length: 1798 byte(s)
Diff to previous 767
Change to binding.Once: if the object's dict contains 'NOT_FOUND' as the
bound attribute's value, 'AttributeError' is raised upon access.  This lets
you override a bound attribute value and declare it non-existent, and it
also ensures that a circularly defined attribute will result in an error

Unfortunately, an error will also result if two threads attempt
to access and compute the bound attribute "at the same time".  But this
is a slight improvement over the situation prior to this change, where a
race condition would cause the "losing" thread to silently return
'NOT_FOUND', possibly causing the problem to lurk awhile.

The existence of this race condition is a potentially serious problem with
the use of lazy attribute bindings in class objects (which are shared
between threads), and it may be that we will need to require some type of
locking for such bindings.  :(

Revision 767 - (view) (download) - [select for diffs]
Added Sat Nov 30 20:04:51 2002 UTC (21 years, 5 months ago) by pje
File length: 1703 byte(s)
Completed conversion to C of the base class descriptor methods for 'Once'
attributes.  Due to constraints in how Pyrex creates extension types, it
was not possible to continue support for the (deprecated anyway) 'OnceClass'
and 'AutoCreatable' metaclasses.  This is now cleaned up pretty decently
and runs the tests at least as fast as before I began the metadata
refactoring yesterday (~4.1 seconds on my Windows PC).

Note that if you want to build from Pyrex source or have Pyrex installed,
you *must* patch Pyrex.Compiler.TypeSlots so that these two lines:

descrgetfunc = Signature("TOO", "O")       # typedef ...
descrsetfunc = Signature("TOO", "O")       # typedef ...

Look like *this* instead:

descrgetfunc = Signature("Tpp", "O")       # typedef ...
descrsetfunc = Signature("TOp", "i")       # typedef ...

This is a work-around for improper generation of descriptor __get__/__set__
code by Pyrex.

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